Good idea Jo, I will see if I can make it work with Xnews.
I cannot speak for other posters. But perhaps just to help
out with suggestions out here. I usually use words such as
"Author's site" OR "list" as a title if it is a list from the
same author. However, if the author has just one program I
will state out what it does and perhaps the freeware
categories in the tile (e.g., manage files, CD, graphic,
image, movie).
I myself set up Xnews to lower the score of certain words that
I am not interested in: music, graphic, graphic, JPG, burner,
and raise the score what I am interested in: e.g., organizer,
notes, Pdf, browser, firefox). This has indeed served me
quite well and save me a lot of time reading the news.
I will sometimes keep Tramps and others post and mark them
differently, if I think I will be interested in them by
seeeing the title but yet to have time read them. The weekend
is usually the low traffic day of this group so I will pop in
to just go through them quickly.
I hope the suggestions help. I will try to post more
informatively if I can, but it is the fact that no one can
always please everyone.
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