Peter Seiler
David H. Lipman - 26.02.2005 22:15 :
sorry, I did *NOT* want to annoy you but only recommended you a usual
way of posting that probably make your postings a bit easier to handle.
That my recommendation probably have not been too bad show the finally
results now based on Kurt's same/similar recommendations. IMHO,
primarely arguments should count! Accepting recommendation not from me
but from Kurt IMHO is not very logically.
Let's live in peace, David.
I ignored you because you are so *bloody annoying* !
I changed *only* because of the way Mozilla products interpret posts for reply messages.
I am willing to change for someone like Kurt who actullay posts substance in the AV News
sorry, I did *NOT* want to annoy you but only recommended you a usual
way of posting that probably make your postings a bit easier to handle.
That my recommendation probably have not been too bad show the finally
results now based on Kurt's same/similar recommendations. IMHO,
primarely arguments should count! Accepting recommendation not from me
but from Kurt IMHO is not very logically.
Let's live in peace, David.