Joe Rohn
I feel like I am somewhere in the middle on this issue...I think CSS is
great for *some* things, fontfamilies, sizes, colors, link styles and
colors..and things along those lines. For trying to totally build a site
with only CSS though..it just leaves too many viewers unable to see the site
properly. Even if Netscape were to cease to exist tomorrow ( we can only
hope ...there's still too many people that will have it installed on
their systems for a number of years to come. My guess is as things evolve,
there will probably be something to take the place of CSS even before it is
universally accepted.
FrontPage Users Forums at:
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great for *some* things, fontfamilies, sizes, colors, link styles and
colors..and things along those lines. For trying to totally build a site
with only CSS though..it just leaves too many viewers unable to see the site
properly. Even if Netscape were to cease to exist tomorrow ( we can only
hope ...there's still too many people that will have it installed on
their systems for a number of years to come. My guess is as things evolve,
there will probably be something to take the place of CSS even before it is
universally accepted.
FrontPage Users Forums at:
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