Strange? DesignMode Behaviour

  • Thread starter Thread starter Charles Law
  • Start date Start date
Yo Bro'
Damn server. Your header appeared. I clicked on it and it was promptly
deleted. I had to wait for Google to show me the message several hours

Do you mean

Mi haeder appeareda

I have a translation for this dating back to the twelfth century, which
suggests this was the origin of the game of 'peek-a-boo'. Google, then known
as the Google Man, or the Booga Man (in the US) was originally a white
wizard who had the knowledge to enlighten, but the misfortune to be
disbelieved (now where have I heard that before). However, as is oft' the
case, time distorts, and the magical being has now become the object of fear
and loathing (and not just in Tollington Park).

And so, to business.

When the EndInit() is encountered, apart from the BANG!, the Load event is
triggered immediately, which is what causes the problem. Because
initialisation is not yet complete, stuff done in the Load() event happens
too early, so as far as I can see, all bets are off.

I am looking at other ways of initialising the control, because it seems
unreliable to rely on the Load() event to occur when the control has
completed initialisation.

Watch this space.

Take it out. Take it right out and to hell with it. And let DesignMode be
true and faithful once again. ;-)

Gard, I deed that thaeng, and there was a peace, that layersted - oo! -

End thaen it did gow payer shaped.

It worked in a test app, but in practice I get lots of "don't do that now"
and "not so fast, sonny" errors when I try to access the DOM.

In the words of a man's father, not so long deceased of Dartmouth "Oh

Hi Charles,

|| peek-a-boo - The Google Man, et al.


|| a white wizard who had the knowledge to enlighten, but the
|| misfortune to be disbelieved (now where have I heard that before

Curiousity roused - to whom dost thou refer?

|| Tollington Park

Is this an N4 reference perchance? Ahh thort yu werse a Westerner, wert
with yor speechifaah-in' 'n' all.

Hi Charles,

Well, we tried legitimate. Now it's workaround time.

I don't know what kind of initialisation you're doing but is it possible
to take the AxBrowser initialisation out of Designer (and hence
ComponentInitialize) and put it into Load. That way you can test DesignMode
before Ax can screw up the situation (and our heads!).

Or have I misunderstood and the BANG! problem is separate from the
DesignMode issue?

Cassandra. Given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, when she failed to pay him
he did not take back the gift, but she became destined to be never believed.

The Fear and Loathing of Tollington Park Rag - Caravan.


Oui, je suis un Westerner, as you say it.

Yes, the BANG! problem is separate. My therapist says I shouldn't talk about
it until I'm ready, but I feel I am .

It goes BANG! on the EndInit() call, irrespective of any other attempts to
initialise it in other places. It just says "unknown error", like I know
what that is!

[It also goes zip when it moves and pop when it stops and whirr when it
stands still ... but that's another story.]

Hi Charles,

|| My therapist ...

I've had training as a therapist, so just hop up on this here couch and
we'll have a rummage around in your unconscious mind. You don't mind revealing
all in a public newsgroup do you?

And so to business - funny business.

I had strangenesses happening to me when I was first investigating. The
version before the multi-coloured rectangle show (MCRS) actually <did> use a
Browser control. Sometimes (often - no dammit, too often) I would click the
close menu-item on Form1 [Design] which had a Browser UC. The next thing I'd
knew, I'd be lying there on the desktop - but with VS still draped around me.
If I clicked anywhere on 'VS', the underlying desktop icon would become
apparent - VS was a gonner. As you hadn't mentioned anyting at the time, I
conmsidered it spurious and probably particular to my setup - and that's why
my MCRS <didn't> have an AxBrowser.

They might be related, these wierdnesses, but then maybe not, 'cos yours
goes Bang!, zip, pop and whirr and generally makes a big fuss, while mine just
sneaks out of the room.

How would you like to proceed on this?

I think this could take longer than we have to investigate fully. I will try
re-ordering things for the moment, and just see if anyone has any info on
why the browser control should cause all these problems. It may be that the
problem will not be solved, so it's work-around city for now.

Thanks for all the advice and suggestions. Have to dash - off to Exeter (or
Execeter, as we say round here).

Hi Charles,

There's another thread: executionengineexception in forms.dll in which
ISupportInitialize.BeginInit() is giving problems.

Hi Charles,

Poor Cassandra. To know the truth yet be so repeatedly dismissed must
surely be a suffering. :-(

The Fear and Loathing of Tollington Park Rag - Caravan.
Never 'eard of it but it makes me say - Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas -
Great book!!

Tollington Park is a road in London, N4. If you had mentioned it because
you were thereabouts I could perhaps incite/invite you to buy me a drink!!

BANG!, zip, pop and whirr - we need to drown our sorrows and see if they
look a little less impressive with all their fur stuck to their hides.

See you in a later post! [Oops, earlier post - silly me, I sent this one
by mistake to
