thanks Jon, I appreciate your time. your answers are long and informative.
I understand everything you said and I am not claiming that anything should
have been different. the behavior which I could not understand was not the
fact that single and double are not a perfect representation, but the one
summarized in the next simple example:
Dim xSng As Single = 6547.972
Dim xDbl As Double = 6547.972
Dim d As Double = xDbl * CDbl(yInt)
Dim s As Single = xSng * CSng(yInt)
both d and s are calculated "correctly".
so I don't see how to explain this with your previous post: you say double
can not represent 6547.972 and neither can single (and that I was lucky that
a single gave me a right result). by why then would I get the correct answer
if I start from a double, and only face the problem of 6547.97216796875 when
it is a cast from single to double?
as for the business use in my case: I do not as you say need infinitely
precise numbers, all I need actually is 3 digits to the right precision.
this number represents the length in seconds of a file, and since it is a
8000 samples/sec, this is all the precision I need. I know I can probably
treat it all as a integer counting in some small unit such as milliseconds,
but the data I get is in float so transforming it to INT might have the same
problems has I have here...
I understand everything you said and I am not claiming that anything should
have been different. the behavior which I could not understand was not the
fact that single and double are not a perfect representation, but the one
summarized in the next simple example:
Dim xSng As Single = 6547.972
Dim xDbl As Double = 6547.972
Dim d As Double = xDbl * CDbl(yInt)
Dim s As Single = xSng * CSng(yInt)
both d and s are calculated "correctly".
so I don't see how to explain this with your previous post: you say double
can not represent 6547.972 and neither can single (and that I was lucky that
a single gave me a right result). by why then would I get the correct answer
if I start from a double, and only face the problem of 6547.97216796875 when
it is a cast from single to double?
as for the business use in my case: I do not as you say need infinitely
precise numbers, all I need actually is 3 digits to the right precision.
this number represents the length in seconds of a file, and since it is a
8000 samples/sec, this is all the precision I need. I know I can probably
treat it all as a integer counting in some small unit such as milliseconds,
but the data I get is in float so transforming it to INT might have the same
problems has I have here...