Stop Enter Network Password window from popping up all the time

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Mary 2 said:
Obviosuly it is an issue that Micosoft has to create a solution for
and they have not yert. do they read these boards and see how big
the problme is?! With custeomre service like this, you ownder why
people are mad at microsoft?!

Microsoft employees rarely read these newsgroups as they are not official
support channels. Problems posted here can eventually get noticed by
Microsoft, but it's a lengthy process.
This just started happening to me when I installed active sync with a new
Treo 700w. In addition it messed up my profiles and I can't get them back the
way there were. I messed around with the nw password thing forever, and it
finally stayed put. Don't know why.
hello there,
I did have the same problem regarding that network window and here is what I

click on Start>controle panle>click on windows firewall>Advanced tab>
UNCHECK local area connection.
And hopefull it will work for you cuz It did for me:-)

if the pb is not resolve you can reach me at [email protected]
Is this a YAHOO issue? If so, how do you get rid of it? I am lucky that I
can checkmy email through YAHOO but prefer it through my outlook. Maybe
uninstall any yahoo compoents..thoght my DSL is through SBC YAHOO and their
installation package was just that, a package..onepeice may relyon another
to function...
madcircle said:
Can anyone help me from stopping the Enter Network Password window from
popping up several times an hour in Outlook? The fields are already completed
with info, I just keep clicking Save Password Info and enter.

Microsoft Outlook Office 2003
Windows Pro 2003
Norton Security 2005

I am having this same problem which occurred when I had to setup new email
addresses due to changing to Getting the enter user
name and password box constantly is making me crazy!!! I remvoved my
duplicate account which did not help. Did not try the reqistry thing as many
have said it did not help. What is the fix on this............please??
I have tried all of the suggestions here and in another related post: redid
the registery, deleted the email account and re-entered it, just changed and
re-saved the password, increased the send/receive interval to 10 minutes.
Results: no change. I still get the message to re-enter the network
password. I have SBC Global as well. As other people have mentioned, it
affects only one of the two computers on my home network. SBC Global tried
to tell me it was a McAfee problem and McAfee told me it was a Microsoft
problem. I am getting tired of calling 1-800-INDIA and getting a random
guess from someone who can only follow a prepared script. Maybe someone from
MS will get the message to read these threads.
UPDATE! I did a System Restore to a date before the problem started and it
seems to have fixed the problem. If you can do that, try it. I talked to a
Level 2 rep at SBC/AT & T and that was one of his suggestions. He kept
bypassing the idea that it could be their pop server and certain email
address/password combinations. My other computer doesn't have the problem,
so it may be specific to this one.
My problem is solved. A tech at Hughes talked me through the fix. I had 2
email accounts under my name, one that was listed as Mail Server and one that
was listed as myself. I removed the Mail Server account and corrected the
setup of my email account by adding the full email address to my user name
and not just simply my user name. I also setup the outgoing server info
checking the logon using box and to logon as my full email address under user
name, password and checking the save password box. This solved my problem and
was done within minutes. I no longer get the network password box popping up
constantly and driving me crazy! I told the guy he was my Hero!!! Hope this
I tried ALL of the above recommended solutions and nothing worked UNTIL I
uninstalled Microsoft Outlook and reinstalled it. Be sure to back up your
Outlook Personal Folders before you uninstall the program.

I am an SBC Yahoo! DSL customer also. They claimed it was a Microsoft issue.
Anyway, problem solved.
IC Wrote:

I had this problem a couple of months ago and I managed to get 2003 working
normal until 3 days ago when it started again. This is in my opinion a
problem with yahoo as I have another pc running office 2000 and it also
starts to act up at the same time. I backed up the registry yesterday and
redid my email account, switched the pc's off all night and low and behold it
appears at present to be working fine again on both machines, funnily enough
when I send a message to yahoo on the problem it seems to rectify itself the
following day so work that one out.

We use Yahoo small business accounts for email purposes in our company and we
are all having the same problem with Outlook constantly asking for the user
name and password when the program sends and receives mail. This only happens
on the yahoo accounts. I have an alltel account and a planttel account set up
on my Outlook program and they work all the time without ever asking for a
user name or password. If anyone can post a solution to this annoying
problem, I would be eternally grateful.
According SBC at&t it is in the settings for the server -- Under Outgoing
Server check -longon using user Name: (e-mail address removed), check remember
I found that by setting the automatic send and receive time back from 1
minute to 10 minutes that the problem stopped occuring. I think that when the
automatic send and receive time for the account is set to a number like 1
minute, it is trying to access the yahoo mail server too frequently and
throws it a curve which in turn triggers the "enter your network password"
problem. Since I turned up the automatic check for send and receive time to
10 minutes on all of our PCs, the problem has vanished. I hope this helps.
WriterSTL said:
Thank you to Jo and her friend at Hughes. I made the changes and it worked.
I also readjust my Send/Receive to 10 minutes. Once things seem to be okay,
I'll gradually reduce it to 5 mins.

No. Do NOT reduce it to any less than 10 minutes - you will start
running into server problems.

And BTW, please do not change the subject line when replying to a thread
- it makes it look like a new topic.

Thank you.
this is really no reply but a question since I cannot start a new question.
do not ask me why..
I can see a difference between outloook express and outlook. In my outlook I
cannot receive all messages, just "send and receive all messages" whereas in
Exppress I can, If I want, just "receive all messages"
It is NOT just a yahoo problem. i have hotmail, not yahoo and this problem
has happened since i the first day i had my brand new computer 3 weeks ago
(well there's the passwd popup now, how convenient) anyway, i have outlook
2007 on vista and i have noticed that i only get the popup when outlook is
minimized. i called microsoft about this and another problem with appts
disappearing and they told me "it's not our fault, must be dell, buh bye"
dell laughed and said "well that's obviously a bug" dell told me that if they
had enough callers they would talk to MS about it, but who knows how long
that will take. very annoying >:-(
I also had this issue in Outlook 2003, but also in indows Live Messenger and
Internet Explorer 7.

I spend hours and hours searching the internet and could not find the
solution. The only possible solution you find on almost all forums (but does
not help in most cases is to repair the protected storage system provided
registry key:

So, here is a solution that is not even in the Microsoft knowledge base. It
helped me and hopefully many others. It was found because I new exactly when
it started to happen: after uninstalling a software program. The uninstall
procedure removed to many registry keys...


Important: this solution contains information about how to modify the
registry. Make sure to back up the registry before you modify it. Make sure
that you know how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. View the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base for information about how
to back up, restore, and modify the registry:

Follow the next steps to solve this issue:

1. Close all running programs
2. Click on [Start] » Run
3. Type "Regedit" and click [OK]
4. Open the following folder:
Shell Folders
5. Now choose Edit » New » Expandable String Value
6. Enter "AppData" as a name
7. Double click the new entry
8. Enter "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data" in the value data field.
9. Close the registry editor

It is possible that additional registry keys are missing. Below is a list of
all keys that should exist in the "User Shell Folders". There are different
ways to add these keys again:
* Use the instructions provided on
* Add them manually by following the steps above
* Export the keys from a computer/user on which the issue does not occur,
and then importing them again.

To export and import:
1. Logon to Windows with a user account for which the issue does not occur
(this may also be a different workstation).
2. Click on [Start] » Run
3. Type "Regedit" and click [OK]
4. Open the following folder:
Shell Folders
5. Right click the "User Shell Folders" key on the left and choose "Export".
Specify a name and location of for the export file and click [Save].
6. Close the registry editor
7. Logon to Windows with the user account that experiences this issue
8. Double click on the exported registry key you created in step 5.
9. Click [Yes] when asked if you are sure to add the information, then click
[OK] for the "successfully imported" message.

Registry keys that should exist in the "User Shell Folders" key.
The list below has the format "Key Name - Value Data". The type for all keys
is "Expandable String Value" (REG_EXPAND_SZ).

* AppData - %USERPROFILE%\Application Data
* Cache - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
* Cookies - %USERPROFILE%\Cookies
* Desktop - %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
* Favorites - %USERPROFILE%\Favorites
* History - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\History
* Local AppData - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data
* Local Settings - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings
* My Pictures - %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Pictures
* NetHood - %USERPROFILE%\NetHood
* Personal - %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\
* PrintHood - %USERPROFILE%\PrintHood
* Programs - %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs
* SendTo - %USERPROFILE%\SendTo
* Start Menu - %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu
* Startup - %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
* Templates - %USERPROFILE%\Templates

The "User Shell Folder" is a subkey of the
registry. Entries in this subkey can also appear in the "Shell Folders"
subkey and in both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER. The entries that
appear in user User Shell Folders take precedence over those in Shell
Folders. The entries that appear in HKEY_CURRENT_USER take precedence over
I experienced the same pop up issue requesting my ENP with Office 2007 /
Vista OS on Outlook every few seconds. I did a couple things that resolved
the issue. I had more than one email account listed in Outlook. I deleted one
of them and recreated the same account and deleted the former. Leaving only
the one account. Apparently this refreshes the email acount with new Vista /
Office 2007 settings.
Go to Tools in Outlook and click on Account Settings. You will see your
email accounts listed.
Hope this helps.
This solution is just avoiding the problem when there needs to be a logical
solution. This is why I do not feel this is a solution.
