This is absolutely amazing. A bit after posting the previous, I resumed
my attempts to resolve the issue. Finally, after 56 days, It works.
Here's what I did...unfortunately, two things were involved at the same
time and I am not sure what about the combination fixed the problem, but
I AM SURE one of the two parts is an absolute requirement.
First, I noticed on the XP Home printer sharing machine, in the
printers folder were TWO "printers" pointing to the LPT1 port. This
happened along the way when I re-ran the Samsung print driver install
exe again to be sure I had the very latest driver. That put the second
printer into the folder. So I had two, one named PRINTER (I had renamed
that one long ago from whatever it was initially) --also shared as
PRINTER. This was the one I had been trying to connect to. The second
one was named SAMSUNG and was shared as SamsungM.
Second, in reading somewhere tonight (sorry I don't remember where) I
read that XP sharing was always done internally using the 'guest'
(Web search for [xp sharing "guest account"] and you can read about xp
sharing.) It described a method of activating the guest account
without having it appear on the login page, namely, to enter at a
command prompt:
*net user guest /active:yes* (no spaces in the /active:yes)
I did that.
Went to the Vista machine, opened properties for the single printer
there--named however the Samsung installer did it, and
clicked the Ports tab,
Add Port,
selected local port type,
typed in the \\printservername\sharename (*\\owner-HP\SamsungM*)
clicked the "OK"'s
and it took it!!! I did not get the "Windows cannot connect to the
printer. Access is denied" message like all the times before! Printed
a doc. It worked! Hallelujah! I said a prayer of thanks.
To help isolate what fixed it, I went back to the XP machine and
inactivated the guest account (net user guest /active:no). Vista
machine would not print. "net user guest /active:yes" on the XP
brought printing capability back.
Summary: I do not know what role using the second printer installation
had in this (it should have been identical to the first one), but I am
convinced that the guest account MUST BE ACTIVATED as part of the
solution to this issue.
Also, bear in mind I have done many unsuccessful things over the past
56 days, and some of those I did not back out, like changing
permissions on the spool folder and contents. It is conceivable one or
more of the other changes I made played a part in the ultimate success.
I'm saying I don't guarantee that the net user thing is all that is
required for the fix, but I am sure it is a necessary part.
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