Stand Alone Spreadsheet & Database apps

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob Newman
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Tell my wife I'm basically a good person. Seriously though I thought what
you just described is a perfect definition of freeware and not shareware.
Any way, it looks like it will do the job.

I just used it for about 5 minutes to check it out, no nagging during that
time. Do you have experience with it nagging? If so, how bad is it?

Thanks... Bob
i know it works with win-pe which is based on windows xp so i cant see why
wouldnt work ,it runs staraight from the folder,no install.
Micro$oft WORKS comes FREE with most PCs.

Technically, I guess it's not 'freeware" but if it doesn't cost you anything
extra, for most purposes its free.
Well, it came with BOTH by e-machines.

Hi, John. I think it's part of the package you buy. They bundle it,
but it's not free. Worthless, IMHO, but not free.
Micro$oft WORKS comes FREE with most PCs.
Technically, I guess it's not 'freeware" but if it doesn't cost you anything
extra, for most purposes its free.

I have NEVER had Works on any computer I have purchased over the
last 10+ years. It has also NEVER been installed on any of my friends
The last time I bought a car it had petrol in it.
And oil.
And clutch fluid.


And that seems to be the philosophy of Micro$oft: it (and the hardware
makers) put enough into the machine to get you around the block and to do
just about all the things one could expect a computer to do. The games
might not be exciting; the word processor make lack all the features of Word
but you can get going.

IF you are using the stuff in a commercial environment, the cost of the real
software is down in the noise. If you are a student or teacher you can can
the OFFICE stuff for $130.

Some years ago I tried that free package of software from Sun (free if you
downloaded it, $50 or so if you had them ship a CD and manual.) Compared
to the free stuff than came with my last two machines, that was junk.

BTW: Way back I get Word97 from M$. M$ threw in Works just for the heck
of it.
John Fitzsimons said:
I have NEVER had Works on any computer I have purchased over the
last 10+ years. It has also NEVER been installed on any of my friends

Well, I buy my computers (now) at some BIG BOX comsumer store or another.

I have 4 machines now as follows:

1) W-95 machine from a "mom & pop" computer store. It replaced the DOS
IBM PC and I was able to continue to use my old software (Word Star and some
cheap $20 spreadsheets) The only free stuff was some games. (This
machine got a case of the "very slows" but since I considered it to be
functionally obsolete and I didn't have enough monitors to go around I just
put it aside once I got the data transferred.)

2) W-98/95 (sold as 95 with free upgrade to 98) from Office Store
(Staples). This was a cheap IBM machine but it came with LOTUS 123 and
some other LOTUS stuff. That was a first rate piece of software and I'm
stil using it. It also had a few simple card games.

3 & 4) XP machines from Best Buys. BOTH came with WORKS, etc. Both cost
less than $500.
When you go the custom route, you lose the advantage of getting the bundled
jo said:
The last time I bought a car it had petrol in it.
And oil.
And clutch fluid.

Every Mexican food restaurant where I've ever eaten, the chips & salsa
are served free. Therefore, I announce that chips & salsa are free food.
My grocery clerk will not be amused, but oh well.

Hmmm. You know, I don't think it'd be easy to compete with the fun of
the OP's lines. I'd have been darned proud to posted such amusing lines.
Particularly the bit with "BOTH my e-machines," that was a great touch.
I feel cheated My truck did not have a clutch.

omega said:
Every Mexican food restaurant where I've ever eaten, the chips & salsa
are served free. Therefore, I announce that chips & salsa are free food.
My grocery clerk will not be amused, but oh well.

Hmmm. You know, I don't think it'd be easy to compete with the fun of
the OP's lines. I'd have been darned proud to posted such amusing lines.
Particularly the bit with "BOTH my e-machines," that was a great touch.