I haven't flamed you at all. I don't really know how to respond to you b/c
most of what you said is patently incorrect. Reread my message. I didn't
accuse Ken of anything. All I said was that he doesn't go around telling
people where to post. Seriously Cor - how many times have people gotten
pissed off at you b/c of your rude comments about posting to other groups?
How many different people in the MVP program alone have you had feuds with?
But why don't I address a few of your specific issues:
<<I do not like if answers as you do solicitating for more information about
solely MDI question, normally I answer most questions as they are slightly
related to the newsgroup. However, MDI has nothing to do with AdoNet. In my
opinion are you destructing with that the quality of the search ability for
AdoNet problems from this newsgroup.>>
First, this is totally unrelated to the point at hand. Next, are you really
saying that you can't search the ADO.NET newsgroup correctly b/c I chose to
help someone? If you're so worried about noise related to off topic
questions, then why didn't you write the OP privately and tell him your
comments? After all, your comment does exactly what you accuse me of.
<<However, there is at least one person in your message who has written me
by mail that he was reacting on the message from others as you and Frans,
however after reading all, made by mail his apologized by me because he
could not find any thing wrong written by *me*.>>
I'm not going to flat out call you a liar, but you are. Not one person
posted anything AFTER I did other than you. Not one. So how could they
write you privately and say they were responding to something I said?
<<I find it however repulsive that you accuse Ken with whom I write almost 5
mail messages a day, from whom you tell that he writes behind my back bad
messages to you about me, this for the same for other people who are
included in your message. If they want to discuss things with me, than they
have my open email address.>>
Here's the exact text of what I wrote "If you look at most of the people
here, Me, Miha, Sahil, Frans, Mark, Angel, Sushil, Kevin, David, Val, Ken
etc, you won't find one single post in respect to where to post something."
--If I'm wrong,t then go ahead and show me one post to the contrary.
Moreover, where did I say that Ken or anyone else said something bad about
you? My point is (and was) 100% valid. And the fact that you have to throw
up some nonsense instead of refuting it further proves what I said. If
David posted such a thing, then by all means, send the hyperlink and prove
me wrong. I'll guarantee that if he did, it was in the format that I
recommended to you - POLITE, and relevant. I didn't say that you should
never mention other groups. I said that you should be a little more careful
about how you say it so that there isn't confusion.
<<Let me tell that I am sick of moderators as you and Frans which like in
these newsgroups to flame people just because what they think that they are
writing, however not about the fact, but only doing that with a lot of
bullshit what is nowhere written by the person they accuse>>
Wow, the hypocrisy here is about to drown me. First off, cite one example
where I've done that. If it happens so often that you are sick of it, show
me ONE example where I've done that. Even with this particular issue Cor, I
was the only one of us that actually stuck to the topic. 80 of what you
accuse me of in your post is completely incorrect to the point of being
patent absurdity. But even if you have no problem being a hypocrite, I
still challenge you to show me where I flamed you or anyone else and in
particular, in a case where I was doing it based on, in your own words
"because what they think that they are
writing, however not about the fact, but only doing that with a lot of
bullshit what is nowhere written by the person they accuse"
<<You have my email address, while it is even fully open. If you think that,
you have to write those things, than sent them by email.>>You're right, I
do. But considering that I didn't write a single line that was rude or a
put down, I didn't feel it necessary. Where did I insult you Cor? Where
did I say something that was humiliating to you? Where? the fact is that
if the shoe was on the other foot, I sure as hell wouldn't throw a temper
tantrum about it and make ridiculous and incorrect insinuations about you.
One a few occassions I've behaved rudely to people and without fail, I am
quick to apologize about it. If someone corrected me afterward, I
acknowledged that I was the one that was wrong - I didn't attack the person
for it. And if someone was trying to stop me from making a complete jackass
out of myself, I sure wouldn't attack them.
<<You can disagree with me, that helping people with showing them a better
place to get there information is prohibited. As long as you cannot show me
with good documention that fact of you, than I will keep trying to help
people with that. I nowhere as you forever intent, do tell people not to
send to any newsgroup or even am impolite in that, that idea is only in
your mind.>>
Are you even responding to what I wrote? I NEVER said or even intimated
that it was prohibited. I pointed out that this crap has continually
happened with you and whether or not it's your intent, the way you
communicate it often offends people. How can you say that you were trying
to help in this context based on what you wrote? Here's your comment in
case you forgot "This is in my opinion no question for a Microsoft
newsgroup.It is as asking to a Porsche fan club what is a better car a
Ferrari or a Porsche. Just my idea"
First, you didn't add anything to the discussion. Second you told them that
this is 'no question' for a Microsoft Newsgroup when it clearly is. And
even if it weren't, where do you 'help' them find an answer? Nowhere. You
just criticize them so how can you seriously say that you were trying to
hlep? And even if you really were, how can you seriously dispute that based
on your answer, that it's surprising to find that someone misinterpreted
your intentions?
So in every single paragraph you wrote, you state something that is flalty
incorrect. Most of what you responded to is stuff that I sure as hell
didn't say, imply or have anything to do with. And throughout it you do the
exact same stuff that you accuse me of. And maybe it was lost in
translation Cor, but I went out of my way to be polite. Actually, I went
more than out of my way b/c you can't take any criticism without acting like
a little kid about it. Everyone else in here can take criticism, but not
the great Cor Lightert - oh no, if you get corrected, even when you're
totally wrong, you start attacking people. How many people (particularly in
the MVP program) have you started fights with? I can think of 5 without
even trying. And each of which was done in public so please spare me the
lecture about keeping stuff private. And of those people, how many of them
were absolutely correct while you were completely wrong? So I guess every
time you answer something incorrectly, the rest of the community is supposed
to not post anything correct. When you are rude to other people, the rest
of the community is just supposed to be quiet. When you, me or anyone else
behaves rudely as MVP, we make others in the program look bad. So the
thing to do when you act like a jerk is to apologize and try to not do it
again. Instead you typically chose to start attacking other people.