ahhhh I see said the blind man......
What thread was this in?
What thread was this in?
scorpion53061 said:I am sorry.
I am not sure what how you mean me to do that.
Does not the compute statement assume you actually have rows available to be
at this point you are creating a row to be added.
orderWilliam Ryan eMVP said:Ok, I wasn't sure if you were using AutoIncrement. On new value, it should
not have a null, that's weird. Did you try to DataTable.Compute?
reasoningto=find that out...
My last post was before I read this. Anyway, can you trap the value
and see what it is? BTW, are you in a Autoincrement scenario or one where
you need to determine the max b/c it could be anything?
Set the defaultValue of the column to something nonsensical...then just
reset it afterward.
Okay this code does increment it.
However, on the first time it is attempted an exception is generated
the column does not allow nulls.
How would you change this to avoid that problem?
Dscustaction1.Tables(0).Columns(0).AutoIncrement = True
'.IDColumn.AutoIncrement = True
+1recordsIf they'll increase incrementally, then the Autoincrement will work,
to positive one then. Otherwise, you can use
DataTable.Comput("Max(recordID)", "recordID>0") 'the filter is just
bull that you konw wiill always be true. Increment the number that
returns and use it. You could incorporate this in RowChanging
No I created this table in SQL.
I am trying to, when adding rows, make the row take the next
for the primary key value of the row (the field is called
Are the schemas the same, in access the field was defined as
If so, then is the Sql Server field set up as an identity?
The code as I had it worked fine for Access. However in
table is where the problem is. I am trying to add
William Ryan eMVP said:Right, use compute to find out what the highest number in the series is, and
then add it as the value.
So before I add my new row, I might have a top number 200, I check this, use
201 as the value for the new row.
toscorpion53061 said:I am sorry.
I am not sure what how you mean me to do that.
Does not the compute statement assume you actually have rows availableDscustaction1.Tables(0).Columns(0).AutoIncrementSeedbe
at this point you are creating a row to be added.
orderDscustaction1.Tables(0).Columns(0).AutoIncrementStepdefined= wrote
scorpion53061 said:Bill,
This problem appears to be solved using this method.
I am a little concerned that there may be concurrency issues if users bump
into each other.
But I think this will work. Thank you much.
filterWilliam Ryan eMVP said:Right, use compute to find out what the highest number in the series is, and
then add it as the value.
So before I add my new row, I might have a top number 200, I check this, use
201 as the value for the new row.
to Dscustaction1.Tables(0).Columns(0).AutoIncrementSeed
William Ryan eMVP said:Trapping concurrency exceptions is actually fun. (I know I just exposed my
true nerdiness) but seriously, you can do alot with them. When one crops
up, drop me a line, I've handled it every way under the son.
Otherwise though the Compute solved it?