Spyware/viruses sent through e-mail?


David H. Lipman

From: "DanS" <[email protected]>

| Sorry to confuse you, I did not mean to imply that your PC was infected
| by something from M$.
| I was just giving an example of how low-level tech's would wrongly give
| advice, because of many factors. Since the M$ update issue is only a few
| days old, the majority of people wouldn't have been aware of it unless
| you frequent these newsgroups.
| Believe me, unless you are totally prepared for a system restore, that is
| something most people would rather not do. It is a last resort when ALL
| else fails, and truthfully, all else fails rarely. I had a friend that
| worked at Gateway in tech support (one of the few good support people)
| and he had explicit insructions that if they couldn't get someone back up
| and running in 15 minutes, tell them a restore from the factory disks is
| the only option.
| A friend of the wife's has a husband that refuses to stop going to porn
| websites. I have cleaned their PC twice for them and have since refused
| to offer them any more help. Both times, the PC was probably what you
| would have considered beyond help. Spyware scans showed 30 or 40
| different spyware packages, everywhere. The PC literally took 40 minutes
| to start up. Using the freely available s/w tools that everyone has
| access to, on both occasion I was able to clean the PC and get everything
| back in working order. And of course, this is the same PC he uses for
| tracking his business as well. Some people never learn.
| The best thing to do is educate yourself on how to protect against it in
| the future.
| Regards,
| DanS

What DanS suggests is called practicing Safe Hex.



=?Utf-8?B?VGVp?= said:
So here's the deal. The computer I am using is deeply infected with spyware.
I want to send my important files through e-mail to another computer, but is
there any possibilty I could send along the spyware/any viruses I have
obtained on this computer?

Yes. Lots of possibilties that you well spread malware.


Tei said:
So here's the deal. The computer I am using is deeply infected with
I want to send my important files through e-mail to another computer, but
there any possibilty I could send along the spyware/any viruses I have
obtained on this computer?

You simply do not deserve to own or use a computer. You *know* you are
infected, and yet you refuse to do anything about it. Worse yet, you allow
your computer to become a vector for infection because you are either too
lazy or too stupid (or perhaps both) to keep your system clean and

Do the world a favor...get rid of the computer and get yourself an
Etch-a-Sketch. With hard work and a little practice, you may be able to
learn how to use it.


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