Slarty said:
Heather, how can Spybot slow down any browser? It runs and then it
finishes. The immunisation feature is the ony thing I can think of
has a more or less permanent effect, and I can't see how that could
down any browser. What am I missing, or do you in fact have some other
problem with your PC?
Hi what Fred put out there. I have been back and forth
with PA Bear (MS MVP) and yes, the Immunization feature was just killing
both IE8 and FF. But worse with IE8. I was going to remove it, but
since FF was now much faster decided to stay with a disabled Spybot.
The link Fred gave refers back to discussions in March, I believe. But
I know that they knew around Mar. 20th that Spybot and 2 or 3 others
were playing havoc with IE8. I don't use IE very often, so was a bit
slow off the mark on that. MS sneakily downloaded it when I wasn't
looking!! (G)
PS....I would have to find the exact name, but it is a security feature
in IE8 that Spybot is tangling with. If you want the name, I will find