BoB said:
No big problem. I remember AsEasyAs but don't have a copy any more.
I still have a free version of Spread32 and SSsheet that dates to '93.
I'm always watching for SS's too. Think an SS this would be a good
request for the Priceless Wish List?
For the duration, my address is fake.
I finally installed it and used it a couple of times. I may not be the
sharpest tool in the shed, but seems to me ya got to be a rocket scientist
to use the steema thing. I got the help file --subscribed to their usenet
newsgroup--no response to my queries yet--and still have not figured it out.
I need to know how to have text labels across the bottom _X axis_with option
of 90 degree or no........left justify the columns--athough steema calls the
columns "series"....and make the y axis values or text say what I want in my
scale. One problem I have encountered is the more series you have is that
the colored bars become skinnier and skinnier--instead of staying the same
width. You can have a peek here for my first try at it...any experience
with this proggie??
thanx, anywhoo
"Germany is sheerly swallowed up by the merchants and companies, by
means of usury. Usury lives all secure in Germany, and rages as if he
were God and lord in all lands; no one may oppose him."
_____________Martin Luther