," ",1) AS SplitCode
FROM tblCode
SELECT tblCode.ID,
fNthElement([Line]," ",2),
fNthElement([Code]," ",2)
FROM tblCode
fNthElement([Line]," ",2) IS NOT NULL
fNthElement([Code]," ",2) IS NOT NULL
SELECT tblCode.ID,
fNthElement([Line]," ",3),
fNthElement([Code]," ",3)
FROM tblCode
fNthElement([Line]," ",3) IS NOT NULL
fNthElement([Code]," ",3) IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY ID, SplitLine, SplitCode;
Ah...the power of SQL!
Good luck and apologies again for butting in,
Gary Walter
[QUOTE="Tom Ellison"]
Dear Alex:
The general approach I'd suggest would be a UNION of a set of queries.
Write a query that returns the first piece:
001 ,A ,S42
002 ,A ,S51
003 ,A ,S33
Then another query that returns the second piece, omitting rows that
don't have a second piece:
002 ,B ,S51
003 ,B ,S32
Finally, the same for the third (and last?) piece:
002 ,C ,S52
If there could be more than 3 pieces, you need to know how many are
possible now, and perhaps in the future if it will run for data as yet
You can use the INSTR function and SUBSTR (for Jet databases) to split
up the strings by finding spaces (I think that's what separate the
data, right?) An alternative is to write a function that finds the
Nth piece out of the string. If you have more than 3 possible pieces,
I'd recommend this strongly. It will be messy in the query for more
than 3 pieces (prediction).
You can create this UNION and append to your table from that, or
append each piece. The result will be the same except that UNION
eliminates duplicates. There may be no duplicates, or you may not
want to ignore them. That's a piece of research for your decision.
What's up with the leading commas? Would you maybe be better off in
the long run without them?
Not a bad project, I'd think. Its a good thing the way you put it:
"a real database." The change you propose is a pretty good idea, for
sure, assuming you understand the meaning of the mess you're being
Tom Ellison
Microsoft Access MVP
Ellison Enterprises - Your One Stop IT Experts
On 16 Dec 2003 14:26:04 -0800, saillant@videotron.ca (Alexandre
Saillant) wrote:
I am about to acheive a dream project but one obstacle is preventing
me from ultimate success. I really need professional help here!
I have a table that look like this:
ID ,Line ,Code
001 ,A ,S42
002 ,A B C ,S51 S51 S52
003 ,A B ,S33 S32
I want to split the field "line" and "code" into rows to be conform
with a real data base. This must be done automaticaly. So it need to
look like this after the modification:
ID ,Line ,Code
001 ,A ,S42
002 ,A ,S51
002 ,B ,S51
002 ,C ,S52
003 ,A ,S33
003 ,B ,S32
Basicaly, I need to split the field into rows and not into other
Can anyone help me with this?