How do I get the unicode value into a table field? I've never dealt with
unicode before. Is there a standard way of assigning a Unicode value, e.g. x
= U'8478'?
Here are 2 methods.
I recommend the first one as it will only effect the data entered via
one control on the form (which is how you should be entering data ....
not directly into a table).
Method 1):
Using a form for data entry, you could use something like this:
Code the Control's AfterUpdate event:
Me.[ControlName] = Replace([ControlName],"***",chrw(8478))
To use this, enter your text using *** where you wish the Rx to
appear, such as:
"The *** was .... etc".
will become
"The Rx was .... etc."
Or.... You could use AutoCorrect Options. This method will effect all
Method 2)
Set an unbound control on your form to:
Open the form in Form View. The Rx character should be displayed.
Select and Copy the Control's value (the Rx symbol)
Then go to Tools + AutoCorrect Options.
Set Replace Rx to be replaced with the Rx symbol (Paste the Rx
character that you copied). Click Add. Click OK.
Delete that form's control.
Then simply type " Rx " where ever you wish the Rx to be placed.
Again, this AutoCorrect will effect all applications.
Change the Rx, if you wish, to any other combination of characters
that you think will never, ever, be used together normally.