Sorry for my insistence, but I would like help

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Problem finally decided!

Regional settings, was changed.
For my Regional settings the separator is *;*

Thanks for all.
-----Original Message-----
The Control Source of the textbox txtCustoTotalEstimTroco
is the field named CustoTotalEstimTroco, exactly.

I understand your correction.
But already tried to use DSum expression with WHERE or
LIKE condition but I didn't obtained any result (?)

Can you help me in this sintaxe, please?
So, I would like DSUM (in MainForm *F_Percursos*) all
values of CustoEstimProj (in SubSubForm,
*SubSubF_Projectos*) WHERE IdPercurso is the same.

The DSum function takes three arguments: the (numeric) field to be
summed; the name of the table containing that field; and a string
containing a SQL WHERE clause selecting which values to sum. Again,
data is NOT stored in forms, and data CANNOT be summed from Forms:
only from Tables or Queries. So - GUESSING here, since I cannot see
your database - something like

=DSum("[CustoEstimProj]", "<some table name I don't know>",
"[IDPercurso] = " & [Forms]![F_Percursos]![IDPercurso])

John W. Vinson[MVP]
