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VanguardLH said:
You can't split hairs when the terms of use aren't even known.

But you can rant like a blithering fool
as if you were privy to those terms?
Say, weren't you the same cum guzzling cocksucker
lecturing me awhile back about comments being off topic?
David H. Lipman said:
From: "FromTheRafters" <[email protected]>

| ...and she should be fired for allowing hubby to log onto their
| using her credentials, dammit!!

| Okay, so maybe they allow the home computer to be the security
| and logon is automatic - but allowing another to know your password
| isn't a good idea overall.

That's another point that I will agree with you!

....and for any happily married couples out there thinking even *this* is
"over the top", consider the company's position when hubby becomes
estranged ex-hubby who kidnapped the kids and sabotaged the company's
computer systems just to trip up "that bitch".

You just never know what the people around you are capable of.
From: "FromTheRafters" <[email protected]>

| ...and for any happily married couples out there thinking even *this* is
| "over the top", consider the company's position when hubby becomes
| estranged ex-hubby who kidnapped the kids and sabotaged the company's
| computer systems just to trip up "that bitch".

| You just never know what the people around you are capable of.

That is always a part of what's deemed "the insider threat".
Char said:
You just admitted you don't know the terms of use. You have no stake
in the game, it isn't even your game. Put down the ball and go home.
Sheesh almighty.

Geez, must be really tough for you to follow a thread. From my very
first reply to the OP:

You need to speak with whomever is the software admin at the school to
find out if it is legit [for you] to get a copy of Sophos ...

tom said his wife (presumably a staff member) can obtain the software.
tom admits that the school states the software is for staff members.
tom admits that he is not a staff member.
tom admits that he will impersonate his wife to obtain the software.

So he checked. He isn't eligible. But he's gonna steal it, anyway.
You coddle pirates if you like. I won't.

Based on your own logic, why did you even participate in this thread?
Obviously "you have no stake in the game, it isn't even your game". So,
like you said and by your own logic, go home. Your logic, not mine.
David said:
I think you are overstating the case. This is grey area and not theft as a married couple
can have benefit of a spouse's available software on a shared PC.

Read tom's reply carefully. It will NOT be a shared PC. She has hers.
He has his. He is going to pretend his is hers.
tom said his wife (presumably a staff member) can obtain the software.
tom admits that the school states the software is for staff members.
tom admits that he is not a staff member.
tom admits that he will impersonate his wife to obtain the software.

So he checked. He isn't eligible. But he's gonna steal it, anyway.
You coddle pirates if you like. I won't.

Based on your own logic, why did you even participate in this thread?
Obviously "you have no stake in the game, it isn't even your game". So,
like you said and by your own logic, go home. Your logic, not mine.

I haven't "checked" anything. Not sure what your talking about. Yes I was
thinking about DL'ing it and installing it. I'm retired and my wife works
full time. It would just be easier for me to do it as I have more time. I
only asked about Sophos. I never said I was going to use (steal) it, was
only curious about it. Being most of the comments about it have been
negative I've decided to stay with Kaspersky.
VanguardLH said:
From someone that didn't even bother to read tom's reply where he admits
to not being staff, will lie about being staff, and will pretend his PC
is his wife's PC. Yeah, I'm the one jumping to conclusions when tom
admitted that he intends to steal and lie. Uh huh.

We only have one PC, a shared one. I never said we each have one. The
software in question, if I wanted it, would have been installed on the only
computer in the house. I would not have to lie about anything as this AV was
legally offered to my wife for her (our) home computer. You misunderstood
what I said. "We can say it's my wife's computer and she allows me to use it
if need be." That doesn't mean we have two computers. I meant that if it
makes you feel better we can call our one and only computer my wife's
From: "VanguardLH" <[email protected]>

| Read tom's reply carefully. It will NOT be a shared PC. She has hers.
| He has his. He is going to pretend his is hers.

Like I said... grey area.
tom said:
We only have one PC, a shared one. I never said we each have one. The
software in question, if I wanted it, would have been installed on the only
computer in the house. I would not have to lie about anything as this AV was
legally offered to my wife for her (our) home computer. You misunderstood
what I said. "We can say it's my wife's computer and she allows me to use it
if need be." That doesn't mean we have two computers. I meant that if it
makes you feel better we can call our one and only computer my wife's

Actually the school might not care BUT they might (if only to protect
their legal butts), so you should check with them. The conditions might
already be listed wherever is found the download. Check for a terms of
service page. See if there is a contact to ask, like whomever
authorizes the logins. However, it could be implicit in policies or
conditions agreed upon by your wife for her employment at the school.
They assume that only staff and students will be logging in and also be
the ones receiving and using the download, not as fences to redistribute
the software to anyone and everyone. Like others have mentioned, the
school may permit use of the software on their staff's shared computers,
especially for family members of the staff member or registered student.
They may even permit use on non-shared computers by everyone within the
immediate family of the staff member or student. Just go check. Not
finding the conditions for use is not the same as deliberately choosing
to not look for them.

It doesn't take much fortitude (obviously some posters here don't have
any) to behave like an adult and adhere to a contract or just decide not
to enjoin into the contract in the first place if you disagree. If you
use, you agree. If you disagree, don't use. It's not like Sophos is
that great, anyway, that there's any compelling reason to enjoin but
then dishonor the contract when there exist better free alternatives.
Putting your wife's credentials and employment at risk (as minimal as it
might be) just isn't rational considering the tiny reward for
dishonoring yourselves.

A lot this overdrawn debate gets resolved by just looking for the
conditions and, if you can find them, deciding whether or not to be
So he checked. He isn't eligible. But he's gonna steal it, anyway.

Another fabrication. The lack of support you have in this thread
should tell you something but I'll guess it won't. Some people will
call black white to save face once things have kicked off.

Actually the school might not care BUT they might (if only to protect
their legal butts), so you should check with them.


Actually, that's all you could have said in the first place, and still
make your position known. The endless paragraphs of ranting only hurt
Char said:

Actually, that's all you could have said in the first place, and still
make your position known. The endless paragraphs of ranting only hurt

Then read ALL posts to understand the flow of the discussion. I said to
check in my first reply. I then defended my position because I actually
took a position, especially when it appeared the OP was intent on
stealing per his own words.
James said:
Another fabrication. The lack of support you have in this thread
should tell you something but I'll guess it won't. Some people will
call black white to save face once things have kicked off.


Go read tom's comments in the other subthread. What did HE say he was
going to do? Uh huh.
VanguardLH said:
What do you produce that earns you an income? Would YOU like it if
someone stole your goods? Do you lock your house when you go off to
work? Like it when you get burglarized?

Amazing how so many so-called adults will steal whenever they get a
chance. All it takes is lack of punishment and they go off stealing.

Stealing means I took it, and you obviously no longer have access to it.
I'm not defending piracy, but call it for what it actually is.
Unauthorized duplication and distribution. It's not theft in the true
sense of the word.
...and she should be fired for allowing hubby to log onto their server
using her credentials, dammit!!

She has certainly proven herself as a liability and security risk to the
network, sharing her code with anyone (your kid, your significant other,
etc) presents a very large security risk, and I agree, she should be fired
for putting users data at such risk.
Dustin Cook said:
She has certainly proven herself as a liability and security risk to
network, sharing her code with anyone (your kid, your significant
etc) presents a very large security risk, and I agree, she should be
for putting users data at such risk.

She trusts her husband, which is good because trust is important to a
happy marriage. Her employer trusts her, which is perhaps necessary for
them to allow her to do work for them. However, she forces her employer
to trust her husband (transitive trust?) by this action - it is not fair
to her employer, and is probably explicitly stated in her employment
agreement that she *not* do so under penalty of termination of