tom said:
Kind' a spitting hairs here......Technically I guess you're right but I can
assure you the school district will not be coming to our home monitoring
who's using the computer. We can say it's my wife's computer and she allows
me to use it if need be. Yes, I log into the schools DL site using my wife's
credentials but nobody knows or cares. What's the point here?
And with only a 5% chance of getting caught for committing murder and
only a 40% chance of being convicted after being charged, you can get
away with murder, too. Not really splitting hairs, is it? Stealing is
stealing. You just want to qualify your theft by minimizing it. That's
why all the office supply cabinets at work get empty in the fall when
school starts because of employees that use work as their free shopping
place for school supplies.
Hmm, so your wife works at a car dealer to which she has access to the
keys for the new cars on the lot. So, gee, what's the harm if she gives
you the keys so you can drive their cars while they are closed because,
gee, it's not like anyone can sell those cars while they are closed. Uh
huh. Adaptable morality means no morality. You do whatever you want
based on the risk of being punished, not whether it is right or wrong.
Did I even bother to mention the risk of punishment? Windows has
licensing terms, too, and lots of people pirate copies of it and do so
knowingly but there isn't some micro-Microsoft Police wandering around
to nab those one-off pirates. But they do monitor volume licenses,
especially if abuse gets reputed (ahem, like a disgruntled ex-employee)
to then freeze all assets of the company (which puts them out of
business) while pursuing a 3+ year law case. Ever been in a room where
Microsoft is suing someone? 17 lawyers to your 1. Only 1 is allowed to
be the official rep for the plaintiff but they are allowed to consult
with that barage of visiting lawyers along with networking with their
chums back at the office. Yes, you and your wife won't be targeted by
Sophos but your school might as they are found to violate their
licensing but that will backfire onto your wife and risk her job.
Apparently you don't care about putting your wife's employment at risk.
So is her income actually superfluous or just additional income beyond
what is needed for the two of you (or more if you have kids) with just
your income to continue paying for the house, car, credit cards, food,
gas, utilities, and so on if she loses her job because of perhaps
another black mark on her personnel file? In this job market, there are
plenty of replacements to be found.
So your thread had devolved into "I want to pirate" software. Unless
something has changed recently, this is not a pro-pirating newsgroup.
You have easy free choices that don't violate the Terms of Use or
license for an AV product and yet you focus on stealing a weak product.
Oh yeah, that's intelligent.