Something similar to 'TraySaver'?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chakolate
  • Start date Start date
I don't, since that is nowhere implied.

Oh, indeed it is. Suggestions of a payware nature can be made
off-group, if you're not so lazy that you can't be bothered to take it
to email, and decide to pollute the FREEWARE group with your
inappropriate witterings.
But we find it more convenient to do so here now and then, where the
subject of an app for a particular need was first brought up. We'll
continue to do so. If you don't like it, don't read it.

We? Who is this we? Are there two of you at that keyboard or do you
have an extra head?

Your utterly specious and foolish argument shows that you think this
is 24support.helpdesk instead of a group created for the specific
purpose of freeware. Two heads aren't always better than one, it
seems, particularly if there's nothing in either.

Isn't that the answer teenage girls fall back on when they're too
stupid to formulate a reasoned rebuttal?