On Sun, 6 Mar 2005 14:28:07 -0500, "Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
It hasn't been true for a long time.
Limiting discussion to malware arriving via email (as opposed to
diskettes, CDRs, peer-to-peer file sharing, LAN, IM, chat, direct
network attacks via the Internet, hostile web sites, etc.)...
1) By design
A few years ago, some thought it would be nice to add eye candy such
as bold text, fancy fonts, inline graphics etc. (and indeed it is).
Outlook first did this in a proprietary way, which was Bad, because
email is supposed to be a standard, not a special format bound to one
particular email application. Do you want to send email or Outlook
mail? I don't deal with Outlook mail, so goodbye.
The next logical step was to find an open standard for "rich" text,
and HTML came to mind. But HTML does more than allow bold, fonts,
inline graphics etc.; it also allows program (scripts, Java etc.) to
be embedded, files to be automatically linked to via the Internet, and
arbitrary text to be laid over URL links.
The most obvious of these risks was scripts and other active content.
Some email applications were smart enough to suppress these (e.g.
Eudora, Pegasus), others were aware enough to offer suppression of
these (Netscape Mail) and others hadn't a clue (OE, Outlook 2000).
The result: By design, the more clueless email apps will autorun
programmatic material in email "message text" when you "read" it.
This is a clear escalation of risk, and when coupled with automatic
preview as is the case in OE, the result is it becomes impossible to
highlight a message to delete it without it running as code.
BubbleBoy demonstrated the concept, Kak used it to spread widely
through OE, and others (BleBla.B, San, Valentine) followed this up to
the extent of adding data-destructive payloads.
2) By design cluelessness
If autorunning scripts by design was dumb intent (or an obliviousness
of implication), then the next layer of badness was design laxity.
Files can be encoded within email messages in various ways. When the
message is plain text, these files are to be linked to as attachments,
but HTML allows certain types of files to be "opened" (intention:
displayed) as part of the message. This is how inline graphics and
autoplaying MIDI tunes work.
There are four layers of content description at work here:
a) The enclosure (encoding) of the file itself
b) The MIME type of the file
c) The file name extension of the file
d) the internal type header data and structure of the file
Where a standard defines an encoding process, as it does for (a), then
all defining criteria should be met before you decode the file. This
MS failed to do, so some improperly-coded files that might be ignored
by some software (e.g. virus checker) may be decoded as files by MS.
Where there is risk, design should be shrink-wrapped around intent.
This applies to (a), (b) and (c), but once again MS has consistently
failed to apply risk awareness to mismatches between these layers. So
we see raw code in .PIF "shortcuts" being run ("opened") as code, Word
macros in .RTF being run even though they should not be there, and in
this case, raw code files mis-represented at the MIME level being
"opened" (run) as raw code when the "message text" is "read".
This is an extreme escalation of risk; you think you are "reading
message text" (or maybe you're just trying to highlight a message to
delete it, and the preview "reads" it for you) but what you are really
doing is running raw code. BadTrans.B was the first to exploit this
clickless email attack, and it's been routine for malware ever since.
3) Via defective code
MS responded to the above as code defects and patched them, somewhat
tardily (WinME's OE still autoran scripts by default, even after Kak
was In The Wild). But if there was a barnacle of defective code, it
was on the back of a volcano of bad design (scripts in "message text")
or absence of code design (failure to sanity-check MIME type against
file .ext against contents of file).
Unlike silly design, true code defects are truly insane, running
roughshod over any sort of safety or risk awareness. That means you
typically can't defend against these via tighter settings; the only
fix is to patch the code defect, or use a non-defective alternate app.
There have been true code defects that facilitate clickless attack via
email, and I expect there will be more in the future. So even if,
right now as at March 2005, you are fully patched and risk managed
against clickless email attacks - tomorrw's another day.
Now that can mean one or more of several things:
- an insane message structure that exploits a raw code defect
- an improperly-enclosed/encoded file
- a MIME-spoofed file the email app will open inline
- an explicit attachment
- a masked link that pulls down malware when clicked
- a remote graphic link that pulls down malware (no click)
- scripts or active content embedded within the "message"
- a valid but insane file that exploits when opened inline
On the last, think of the GDIPlus defect that allows a real (but
malformed) JPEG file to run itself as raw code. Once again, that's
insane, and not something you can manage via safety settings.
Old news, but still serious news that is worth hearing.
What's so eye-opening about getting an infection because one isn't using up
to date AV software or practicing safe hex? That's a given - even if you
update daily, it's possible that your AV mfr hasn't released a pattern file
that can detect it yet, as you mentioned.
Plus, you can't practice Safe Hex if the system is insane (code flaws)
or stupid (inexcusably bad design) to take risks with unsolicited
material on the user's behalf.
You can't Just Say No if you werer never asked.
On networks running their own mail servers (which is what I mainly deal
with), I block a boatload of file extensions & also scan the entirety of the
message itself. Attachment types to block include exe, com, cmd, bat, pif,
scr, etc etc etc - and I also scan within zip files.
That's risk filtering, which modern OE and Outlook can apply in a
rather crude manner. ISPs can't do that for consumers, though what
they can and often do do is scan for known malware. But a new (Day
Zero) malware will cut through the ISP's scanner for the same reason
it cut through the sender's av, and your av.
I'd say that spyware is usually a much larger problem than viruses
are these days, honestly.
Larger in bulk, yes - though traditional malware may bite a lot harder
(cause more damage) than commercial malware ("spyware")
Well, outside the fact that Netsky is indeed delivered via an attachment in
the first place, this is all pretty common sense stuff if you ask me. Keep
everything patched and updated. Use current-generation versions of Windows
Er... no. Yes to upgrading or avoiding vulnerable edge-facing
subsystems such as IE, WMP and MSware email, but I'd take a patched-up
Win98SE over an out-the-box XP Gold any day of the year.
Keep your firewall ON all the time. Use very good AV software (have it
also scan mail if possible) that you update very frequently
A free av updated daily's better than a commercial av updated once a
week, IMO. regular updates can be difficult for dial-up users, but
they have to just do what is required.
-- Risk Management is the clue that asks:
"Why do I keep open buckets of petrol next to all the
ashtrays in the lounge, when I don't even have a car?"
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