J. Clarke
Odie said:Folkert said:J. Clarke said:Arno Wagner wrote:
On 15 Feb 2006, Arno Wagner wrote:
Now where did I see that lovely little table showing drive
reliabilty (for all models) comparing manufacturers and drawing on
reasonable data. Was it at StorageReview? It wasn't this table
but anyway this is interesting in its own way:
Does not surpris me. Many people try to convince themselves that
their own choices are good ones. Often they even continue to do
so when evidence to the contrary comes to their attention.
I find it interesting that he lists LaCie as a drive
manufacturer--LaCie does not make drives, they buy Seagate, Hitachi,
Maxtor, WD, Samsung, etc drives and put them in boxes with a "Lacie"
sticker on the front.
So now you know how to make those Seagate, Hitachi, Maxtor,
WD, Samsung drives more reliable. Just put the magic sticker on.
I would have thought you'd be aware that certain manufacturing / process
control / quality control issues would be part of the process of "making
a drive more reliable" - but then I could be wrong.
Maybe I'm mistaken, but I _think_ that Folkert might have actually been
attempting humor. If so, his effort is to be applauded--he needs to do
that more often.