Slow Startup - Usual Suspects Already Tried



If your db really is split already, then I am curious why the FE has reached 55MB.


Chris O.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Absolutely has been split - this is just the FE. There are some local
tables just for temporary storage, but that's it. Here's some stats
during import. This is from a year ago and I have no idea what the
options (eg. Name AutoCorrect) were during import:

original size (after compact) 88,842,240

after queries imported 4,259,840
after tables 8,433,664
after modules 11,259,904
after macros 11,276,288
after forms 20,713,472
after reports 26,120,192
after menus and specs 26,583,040
after final compact 40MB (not a typo - size increased after

There's has been lots of good input here all and I have a bunch of
things to try and check. I hope to have a solid session of debugging
this later tonight. Unfortunately if I don't get to it this evening
you won't hear back from me till towards the end of next week but I
will definitely keep on it!


Kelsy said:
Absolutely has been split - this is just the FE. There are some local
tables just for temporary storage, but that's it. Here's some stats
during import. This is from a year ago and I have no idea what the
options (eg. Name AutoCorrect) were during import:

original size (after compact) 88,842,240

after queries imported 4,259,840
after tables 8,433,664
after modules 11,259,904
after macros 11,276,288
after forms 20,713,472
after reports 26,120,192
after menus and specs 26,583,040
after final compact 40MB (not a typo - size increased after

There's has been lots of good input here all and I have a bunch of
things to try and check. I hope to have a solid session of debugging
this later tonight. Unfortunately if I don't get to it this evening
you won't hear back from me till towards the end of next week but I
will definitely keep on it!


I can think of very little else.

1) Try running the Jet Compact Utility on a copy of the db.

2) Try pressing SHIFT during startup to see if any start-up related code is bypassed. (Is
there: an AutoExec macro, code in the Open event, command line arguments in the box for
that in Options?)

3) On a copy of the db, try a more "thorough" decompile for getting rid of Name
Autocorrect corruption (I believe I copied this from a post by Allen Browne).

1. Uncheck the boxes under:
Tools | Options | General | Name AutoCorrect
Explanation of why:

2. Compact the database to get rid of this junk:
Tools | Database Utilities | Compact

3. Close Access. Make a backup copy of the file. Decompile the database by
entering something like this at the command prompt while Access is not
running. It is all one line, and include the quotes:
"c:\Program Files\Microsoft office\office\msaccess.exe" /decompile

4. Open Access, and compact again.

5. Open a code window.
Choose References from the Tools menu.
Uncheck any references you do not need.
For a list of the ones you typically need in your version of Access, see:

6. Still in the code window, choose Compile from the Debug menu.
Fix any errors, and repeat until it compiles okay.


Chris O.

David W. Fenton

2) Try pressing SHIFT during startup to see if any start-up
related code is bypassed. (Is there: an AutoExec macro, code in
the Open event, command line arguments in the box for that in

A couple of suggestions that Chris's point #2 reminds me of:

1. are you using any calls to remote systems that might be
unavailable? I just discovered a slowdown in some code that checks
of a list of databases are accessible via the File System Object's
FileExists/FolderExists functions, and it was hanging the startup of
one form because the timeout on a system that wasn't on was very

2. try downloading the SysInternals FileMon program and have it
capture what happens during startup of your app. This might point
out some missing file that is timing out on you.

Dirk Goldgar

Kelsy said:
Hello - I have a front end database that is about 55MB. It takes
between 10 and 45 seconds to open initially depending on the
computer. There is a startup form specified but the delay occurs
before a single line of codes is executed. I have tried decompile
(nice size decrease), turning off autocorrect and turning off
subdatasheets in the back end. Auto virus on or off makes seems to
make no difference.

I'm using Access 2003 SP 2 but the db is in Access 2000 format.

I'm not too sure what to try next. Any ideas?

Another thought occurs to me: check your references. Are there any
marked a missing? Any unusual ones? Maybe Access is trying to locate
some referenced library, or reconcile different versions.

Tom Wimpernads

uh I'd reccomend moving to a database SERVER with a future

Accsss MDB is crap and it always has been

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