Slow Startup - Usual Suspects Already Tried



Hello - I have a front end database that is about 55MB. It takes
between 10 and 45 seconds to open initially depending on the
computer. There is a startup form specified but the delay occurs
before a single line of codes is executed. I have tried decompile
(nice size decrease), turning off autocorrect and turning off
subdatasheets in the back end. Auto virus on or off makes seems to
make no difference.

I'm using Access 2003 SP 2 but the db is in Access 2000 format.

I'm not too sure what to try next. Any ideas?

John W. Vinson

Hello - I have a front end database that is about 55MB. It takes
between 10 and 45 seconds to open initially depending on the
computer. There is a startup form specified but the delay occurs
before a single line of codes is executed. I have tried decompile
(nice size decrease), turning off autocorrect and turning off
subdatasheets in the back end. Auto virus on or off makes seems to
make no difference.

I'm using Access 2003 SP 2 but the db is in Access 2000 format.

I'm not too sure what to try next. Any ideas?

If you have decompiled, you should then Compact and Repair, open the VBA
editor and select Debug... Compile <project>, and compact again (otherwise it
must recompile code when you open).

See Tony's tips at for other suggestions.

John W. Vinson [MVP]


Thanks John! I did try those exact steps following the info at Tony's
site already. No improvement in startup speed though.


Is the FE local? If not, make a local
copy and try again.

Make a copy without the startup form.
(also check for an autoexec macro), and
try again:

Does that take as long to open? If so,
it is the Anti-virus. Check that again,
more carefully.



Is the FE local? If not, make a local
copy and try again.

Make a copy without the startup form.
(also check for an autoexec macro), and
try again:

Does that take as long to open? If so,
it is the Anti-virus. Check that again,
more carefully.


- Show quoted text -

I've tried all those I'm afraid...

Yes - FE is local.

With or without startup form makes no difference (the delay seems to
occurs before startup form opens)

There's no autoexec macro

Delay is still present (10 - 15 seconds on my current computer and
longer on other ones)

Anti-Virus is off.

In addition:

CPU is maxed during the delay period. I deleted all linked tables - no
diff. Compile on demand setting makes no difference.

Tony Toews [MVP]

Kelsy said:
Hello - I have a front end database that is about 55MB. It takes
between 10 and 45 seconds to open initially depending on the
computer. There is a startup form specified but the delay occurs
before a single line of codes is executed. I have tried decompile
(nice size decrease), turning off autocorrect and turning off
subdatasheets in the back end. Auto virus on or off makes seems to
make no difference.

From your other replies you've certainly done reading on this topic. I was convinced
decompile would've solved it but once you stated "nice size decrease" I knew you had
done the decompile properly.

Have you tried importing into a new MDB?

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -


Per Kelsy:
I'm not too sure what to try next. Any ideas?

I know you said the delay proceeded any form opens... but do you
have any graphics on any forms?

If so, it would only take a few minutes to clone a copy of the
app, remove the graphics, and see if the problem goes away.

I would do this myself if only because I don't know what goes on
"under the hood" when MS Access starts up...


Durn. I was going to say virus checker but you already tried it.

For your linked tables are you using mapped drives or UNCs? UNCs can be

Also how far down the tree is the folder holding the BE? If they are many,
many folders down, that can slow things down. Try moving the BE closer to
root and see what happens.

What happens if you move the BE to your computer? If much faster, that could
be an indication of a network problem.


From your other replies you've certainly done reading on this topic. I was convinced
decompile would've solved it but once you stated "nice size decrease" I knew you had
done the decompile properly.

Have you tried importing into a new MDB?

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -

Yup - tried that. I imported first the tables and queriesand start up
time was normal. After I brought in the forms (and there are a few
hundred) the delay was back. Should I just be chalking this up as
expected behaviour?


Per Kelsy:

I know you said the delay proceeded any form opens... but do you
have any graphics on any forms?

If so, it would only take a few minutes to clone a copy of the
app, remove the graphics, and see if the problem goes away.

I would do this myself if only because I don't know what goes on
"under the hood" when MS Access starts up...

Yes - a few of the forms do have graphics. I'll try anything. I'll
report back and later and let you know how it goes.

I was doing the trick where you name a .bmp the same name as the
access db (to replace the startup graphic), but I already tried it
with the file renamed and no diff.


Durn. I was going to say virus checker but you already tried it.

For your linked tables are you using mapped drives or UNCs? UNCs can be

Also how far down the tree is the folder holding the BE? If they are many,
many folders down, that can slow things down. Try moving the BE closer to
root and see what happens.

What happens if you move the BE to your computer? If much faster, that could
be an indication of a network problem.
Jerry Whittle, Microsoft Access MVP
Light. Strong. Cheap. Pick two. Keith Bontrager - Bicycle Builder.

- Show quoted text -

I completed de-linked that back end and the problem still exists. The
front end (where my problem is) is on a local drive 3 or 4 folders
down. All folder names are relatively short.


From your other replies you've certainly done reading on this topic. I was convinced
decompile would've solved it but once you stated "nice size decrease" I knew you had
done the decompile properly.

Have you tried importing into a new MDB?

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -

This is somewhat a rhetoric question, but maybe if I wrote a function
that would import forms (or heck, maybe all objects) one at a time and
measure the length of time to do the import I may infact find there is
a problem form?

Tony Toews [MVP]

Kelsy said:
This is somewhat a rhetoric question, but maybe if I wrote a function
that would import forms (or heck, maybe all objects) one at a time and
measure the length of time to do the import I may infact find there is
a problem form?

Or try importing roughly a quarter of the objects at a time and see if there is a
drastic slow down somewhere.

How big is the MDB?

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -


Not that I think this is relevent, but note
that a folder can map to a different drive.
And it is normally a good idea to have "Bypass
traverse checking" privilege, (which is the



From a different database, ow long does
Application.dbengine.OpenDatabase( ... )

Or from vbs, after creating a dbe instance,
dbe.OpenDatabase( ... )

If you rename the file extension, does
that make any difference?

If you load the file into wordpad, does
that take just as long?

This to try to separate out the file system
effects of 'open' on the file.

When you open, do you open Exclusive,
or Shared? Does it make any difference?

Note that lots of things happen before
a form becomes visible: The form compiles
if necessary, everything in the database
and all libraries compile if necessary,
all subforms load, and then all required
data is loaded from tables -- before the
form becomes visible. Broken table links
and Broken mapped drives slow everything
down before the first form is visible.

Also check your Windows event viewer to see
if there are any unexplained errors, and
your Windows services to see if there are
any services you should stop.

Dirk Goldgar

Kelsy said:
I imported first the tables and queriesand start up
time was normal. After I brought in the forms (and there are a few
hundred) the delay was back. Should I just be chalking this up as
expected behaviour?

In your first message you refer to "turning off autocorrect". I just
want to verify that you turned off Name AutoCorrect (Tools ->
Options..., General tab), not the "spelling Autocorrect" options that
are listed under the Tools -> Autocorrect Options... dialog. If you've
imported into a new database, make sure that Name AutoCorrect is off in
the new database, too.


Kelsy said:
Hello - I have a front end database that is about 55MB. It takes
between 10 and 45 seconds to open initially depending on the
computer. There is a startup form specified but the delay occurs
before a single line of codes is executed. I have tried decompile
(nice size decrease), turning off autocorrect and turning off
subdatasheets in the back end. Auto virus on or off makes seems to
make no difference.

I'm using Access 2003 SP 2 but the db is in Access 2000 format.

I'm not too sure what to try next. Any ideas?


When you say front end database that is 55MB, that gives me pause.

I assume that this is a non-split database, then.

Have you tried splitting a copy of the database into BE/FE versions and then seeing what
the FE start-up time is?


Chris O.


Chris2 said:

When you say front end database that is 55MB, that gives me pause.

I assume that this is a non-split database, then.

Have you tried splitting a copy of the database into BE/FE versions and then seeing what
the FE start-up time is?


Chris O.

If your db really is split already, then I am curious why the FE has reached 55MB.


Chris O.



In your first message you refer to "turning off autocorrect". I just
want to verify that you turned off Name AutoCorrect (Tools ->
Options..., General tab), not the "spelling Autocorrect" options that
are listed under the Tools -> Autocorrect Options... dialog. If you've
imported into a new database, make sure that Name AutoCorrect is off in
the new database, too.

Thanks - name autocorrect is definitely the one I had turned off
already. Good point on the setting prior to import - I will double
check that one.

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