Bill Yanaire
smbdymf said:Yes, you're looking for the turd gurgling group
and you are looking for microsoft.public.mental.retards
smbdymf said:Yes, you're looking for the turd gurgling group
Bill said:No, I just think he is talking out his ass again.
He has no proof of
that statement.
You can tend to agree with Alias and I disagree.
Remember he is a Ubuntu user so his thinking is skewed anyway.
smbdymf said:Explain what?
Why you and alias are turd gurgling butt buddies?
Unlike you, I am well educated, of course!
Hey, not everyone is lazy. I drive to the Gym. I wait to get a parking
space close to the entrance. I take the elevator up to the second floor.
Then I work out!
This idiot Bill Yanaire is getting as stupid as Frank.- Hide quoted text -
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Alias said:Most African Americans in the USA have a white relative. In fact, very
few -- if any -- do not.
Adam Albright said:Obviously you never work your brain. What people need is a idiot
filter, not a plain kill filter. Then nobody would see the likes of
you, Frank and assorted other lowlife toads.
The idiot Adam who always puts down and insults people just because
they have a different opinion then Adam, is showing the group that he
is a fool and a complete twit. Embarassment to the whole group. You
should power down your PC and go outside and do some yard work. Oops,
the institution won't let you work with sharp instruments? Maybe then
go to WalMart, put on that nice blue jacket and start greeting
customers who come to the store.
That would probably be your best bet.
Obviously you don't even have a brain, but by chance if you had a brain, you
would need about 100 bonus points to be classified as mentally retarted.
Don't you have anything better to do than to trash people for having a
different opinion than yourself? You are an embarassment to this group. I
feel sorry for you.
Is the bad language really necessary Frank?