Skyrim anyone?

Haha, i know, i have been hammering it, Steam says 190 hours.....! :o
So, yesterday i finished the main quest. I've also done just about all the other side quests, apart from a few companion missions (Kill the animal in XX house) and some dark brotherhood ones (Approach the Night Mother) - there are a few others, but just random miscellaneous things.

Just shy of level 63 now. 229.5 Hours in to it! :eek:

Time to play Dawnguard. :D
New freebie mod, humungous size:


Download link

I shall download this later. Apparently it's best to advance the timeline (press 'T' choose amount of time) to let the new characters integrate into the game engine before starting to play the mod.

What with me getting Dragonborn today and oodles of Borderlands 2 add-ons, I have lots to keep me busy :)

And outside, the sun is shining...
Just installed the Falskaar mod and played about 20 minutes worth of it. All good :thumb:


I play Skyrim using SKSE
I installed this mod using Nexus Mod Manager (NMM)
NMM updated prior to the installation.
I made a note of the number of my last Dawnguard save for when I want to return there.
I am only level 26 but Echo Deep Mine adversaries are not a hard challenge.

Gotta love Bethesda - they encourage free 'DLC' and those they charge for are, imo, well worth the money.

You listening EA, Ubisoft et al?
Have spent a few hours in Falskaar now and so far have finally found the docks, killed the bandits and freed the captives. It took a fair bit of wandering to find the docks and on the way my entrance was barred to a couple of locations, I'm wondering intentional or bug? We shall see.

The author of this mod has added a fair few things of his own, like when my character makes her final kill she now strangles her opponent and breaks their neck with the axe handle rather than chopping them right down the middle.

Luvverly. Some very nice scenery as well.
Had a quick peep at the Falskaar mod flops. Looks like a great find. nice that you can get extra game play for no loot.
I'll have a go at Skyrim in the autumn. Looking forward to it.
I've played about 6 or 7 hours total now I think and on the way have gone from level 26 to level 27. Which raises the point that I said I noted the number of my last save in Skyrim . That was pretty pointless really as when the mod is played everything changes in stats according to gameplay.

I've since found that when you want to return to Skyrim from Falskaar most characters you speak to will answer the question 'How do you get back to Skyrim?' and when you ask them they give details of how to catch a boat back there.

Presumably when you want to return to Falskaar you catch a boat back, kinda like the Isle Of Wight Ferry, or maybe Holyhead to Dublin, mayhap Loch Lomond or maybe even the Woolwich Ferry :D

There are some bugs, despite the author's claims, but in my experience very few and those that there are, are very minor.