Well I have not fired up me Skylake for several months due to life.
Finaly got around to plugging it back into the mains and pressed the start button the other day.
Seemed to take a while to fire up properly, started and stopped and started and stopped and then settled down and seemed to run ok. One small hickup there was no output on the monitor.
Now I have a desktop sat on two small filling cabinets with a shelf where yer knees go and on this sits the Skylake. Its pretty dark under there and with me busted bones a tad awkward to get into or even see properly what is going on.
So I checked out the monitor cables and tried to start the pc again. Same stop start then settled into running as before and no screen output.
Hmm sumat is not quite right I thought an I was right.
Cos after I had switched all power of and dewired the pc and lifted it of the shelf and into the light I noticed that there was a small pool of water on the shelf.
At this point I was ready to blame Mr Spooky as he had been climbing around under the desk and I thought , hey up he's done a pee on me pc. It would have been a first as he has never peed in the house ever, a well behaved puss he is.
Realising I was judging him harshly with no proof I decided to investigate. An the culprit turned out to be me water cooler. Poxy thing had several cracks in the plastic housing and water was seeping very slowly from them.
Now this would possibly have been not too bad as I could have dried out the mobo and seen if any permanent damage had been done to it.
If only I had not been so stoned and tired when I found the fault. In my haste to sort things out I mopped up excess water. Dismantled the cooler. Cleaned up thermal paste from the cpu and then took it out of its socket. An this is where things went bums up. I dabbed away at the socket to soak up any water to speed up drying out. Not realising that the socket was full of pins, until it was too late an I had more than several bent or awry pins.
You see this is my first Intel, on an AMD a mobo socket is a socket and the pins are on the cpu not in the socket.
So I am out one mobo and cooler and possibly one cpu aswel.
I have ordered a new mobo and a Noctua NH-D15 and I'll report back when I have built the Skylake again.
An I thought life had finished kicking me.