When I use RC1 5600 Vista Ultimate x64 on my Turion 64 X2 TL-60 (2.0GHz)
Notebook, the performance suffers greatly compared to XP Pro, it is probably
since I only have 895 MB RAM since the ATI Xpress 1150 video chipset takes
128 shared memory, although according to stats from Vista Itself it says it
has 319 MB ram but gives me a score of only 2.5 for video performance and
even using 982 MB of Ready Boost. It takes a long time to open windows, and
move/copy files. And this is with the Areo Glass Turned OFF! Also I am not
even trying to run any kind of Memory Intensive Applications, such as
Photoshop or Adobe Reader, Just 3 Explorer Windows, Firefox 1.5.9 with 13
tabs, and IE with 8 tabs. (granted those eatup a lot of memory but it is
still just as slow with out them.) My Windows stop responding fairly often
but the good thing is that they don't get stuck that way like they do in XP.
They will respond when enough memory becomes available. Dual booting is a
pain and I stopped bothering the last time I did a "Clean XP install". I
wonder if this is just a problem with the Pre-Release Version I am using.
However when I tried to do an XP system restore the other day, I was
unable to boot at all! Using the Disable Auto Restart on System Failure I was
able to read the BSOD Error that said that I should do a CHKDSK /F or Scan
for Viruses. However before I thought to see the BSOD message I tried using
my OEM XP Pro Disk, and the Repair Command Line Option. I did the chkdsk
fixboot and FixMBR neither of which solved my problem. However I was able to
use the Vista DVD to Repair my Vista x64 on my (technically, first partition,
(under XP I switched the labels so C: was actually partion 2 according to
XP)) but I still can't boot without using the DVD, doing a Repair and having
it reboot from the HDD. I can't save the Repair to the HDD. I need a way to
reinstall XP without losing my files and registered programs, ex. those found
under Add/Remove Programs. (I really don't want to have to install them all
again.) Does anyone have any Ideas? My Display would crash and turn off but
leave the power everything else on. (even though no keyboard commands would
work and I couldn't see anything anyway) Sometimes I would get a grey/white
or light blue screen with black strips running vertically at fixed intervals
accross the screen (same unresponsive ness as the powerless screen), Other
times have gotten the BSOD Graphics Processor Stuck in a Thread Error. I am
sending it in for repairs but I want to save my data first. Also I have
troubling accessing certain Vista files due to "Access Denied" errors an I am
unable to take ownership even though I am part of the Administrators Group.
BAH! What's a guy to do?
Any help would be appreciated.