Thanks, I willl try the DVI input tomorrow and see if that helps.
but in my view from my experience, it is
the most definite reason for the ringing.
I've also had enough time to analyze it.
How would you know anyway, unless you have
the same exact setup, room, and my ears? lol
How else would you explain it?
Nothing else is making a noise.
I have my computer in the hall with wires hooking up to
the monitor, keyboard, mouse, in this room. So the only
thing making noise is the monitor. After prolonged hours
I hear a ringing in my ears and it if I overdue it, it hurts.
As soon as I turn off the monitor my ears feel this sense of relief.
It's gotten to the point where I hear a certain part of the ring
only when it's on. As soon as it's off it starts to get better.
This only happens when I sit it front of the computer
and never in other circumstances such as listening
to music with headphones in another room.
It might not be severe or permanent, I'm not a hearing expert,
but it's annoying nonetheless and can't be
healthy for your ears, especially if it continues.
Your ears don't start ringing without a reason.
Rod Speed wrote
You think you know everything Rod?
Why with this overbearing condescending attitude Rod?
It's really unnecessary.
You are thinking inside the box
and from a position of ignorance of the actual reality of the situation.
You presume that I can't think scientifically
and I have overlooked your viewpoint,
when in fact I've already looked at things from where you are viewing
and have decided that even though the monitor
doesn't "seem" like a cause, it could be,
and my experience, and my bodies reaction
to the situation leads me to believe it is.
You're saying the equivalent of "only a roaring blaze
can burn you and that candles don't burn people."
It's like you're telling someone that burned their hand on
a candle that they actually didn't burn their hand on the
candle, they burned it on a blaze that doesn't exist.
presuming again.
I see, so you think humans have figured out everything there is to
know about the ear and how it can perceive and be damaged etc.
And you are the foremost authority and expert
that everyone should listen to on all matters?
I've said that I have a ringing in the ears that is not going away.
This is hearing damage,
what else would you call it?
I said the ringing problem only happens in this room
with this monitor and not with the same headphones
when I use it in other situations in other rooms.
You disregard the facts that don't support your rigid doctrine.
Yes, it's mindlessly silly to actually set up a test situation to
see if the monitor is the cause. It's also silly to want to avoid
unnecessary noise from the other components. How silly of me.
I'm not claiming anything,
I'm just stating what I'm feeling.
You want me to ignore what my body is telling me and just
blindly follow scientific explanations and limited knowledge?
Well, if you read what Paul posted you
can see there is more than meets the eye.
There is phenomena that falls outside of our limited understanding.
You disregard and overlook this
to support your single minded dogmatic form of science.
Some sounds fall outside the range of human hearing for example.
You seem to think you have omniscience,
when you don't even possess a clear view of the reality of the situation
and are disregarding what I said
and choosing only facts that support your views.
Thanks for your opinion Rod,
but that derrogitory tone
was really unnecessary.
I already stated this happens without the headphones,
yet you ignore this fact.
I never claimed to be,
but I suppose you are?
It's called observation.
I said already, this happens without headphones.
You keep overlooking that.
Well, perhaps the cause isn't the subtle noise or perhaps it is,
I don't think we know enough to state things in black and white.
Sometimes these things are symptoms of larger, hard
to perceive causes such as those eluded to in Paul's post.
You seem to think you have the authority
to state things in black and white.
I'm just analyzing the situation without ruling out any ideas outright.
I am open to possibilities
because I know I don't know all there is to know and I could
be unaware of possibilities like those Paul pointed out.
You are the one being close minded Rod, sorry to say.
Why with this overbearing condescending attitude Rod?
It's really unnecessary.
You are thinking inside the box
and from a position of ignorance of the actual reality of the situation.
You presume that I can't think scientifically
and I have overlooked your viewpoint,
when in fact I've already looked at things from where you are viewing
and have decided that even though the monitor
doesn't "seem" like a cause, it could b
and my experience, and my bodies reaction
to the situation leads me to believe it is.
You're saying the equivalent of "only a roaring blaze
can burn you and that candles don't burn people."
It's like you're telling someone that burned their hand on
a candle that they actually didn't burn their hand on the
candle, they burned it on a blaze that doesn't exist.
presuming again.
I see, so you think humans have figured out everything there is to
know about the ear and how it can perceive and be damaged etc.
And you are the foremost authority and expert
that everyone should listen to on all matters?
I've said that I have a ringing in the ears that is not going away.
This is hearing damage,
what else would you call it?
I said the ringing problem only happens in this room
with this monitor and not with the same headphones
when I use it in other situations in other rooms.
You disregard the facts that don't support your rigid doctrine.
Yes, it's mindlessly silly to actually set up a test situation to
see if the monitor is the cause. It's also silly to want to avoid
unnecessary noise from the other components. How silly of me.
I'm not claiming anything,
I'm just stating what I'm feeling.
You want me to ignore what my body is telling me and just
blindly follow scientific explanations and limited knowledge?
Well, if you read what Paul posted you
can see there is more than meets the eye.
There is phenomena that falls outside of our limited understanding.
You disregard and overlook this
to support your single minded dogmatic form of science.
Some sounds fall outside the range of human hearing for example.
You seem to think you have omniscience,
when you don't even possess a clear view of the reality of the situation
and are disregarding what I said
and choosing only facts that support your views.
Thanks for your opinion Rod,
but that derrogitory tone
was really unnecessary.
I already stated this happens without the headphones,
yet you ignore this fact.
I never claimed to be,
but I suppose you are?
It's called observation.
I said already, this happens without headphones.
You keep overlooking that.
Well, perhaps the cause isn't the subtle noise or perhaps it is,
I don't think we know enough to state things in black and white.
Sometimes these things are symptoms of larger, hard
to perceive causes such as those eluded to in Paul's post.
You seem to think you have the authority
to state things in black and white.
I'm just analyzing the situation without ruling out any ideas outright.
I am open to possibilities
Rod Speed wrote
Then why the condescending and hateful tone?
Does that really help you make your point?
I don't take drugs.
That's all in your head like most of your presumptions.
I just had a say.
Why would I lie about it?
You presume things about me without reason.
You are so quick to judge and condemn me for a trifle.
A witch, a witch, burn the witch!!
Then what did you mean by this: "Useless if you aint even got
the remotest concept of what rigorous science is actually about."
Who's the lier here?
You have to lie
to cover up your own insecurities and make
yourself feel more powerful and significant.
You think that if you lie and do this, others must do it too.
This extends to attacking anyone that makes
the foundation of your beliefs unstable.
You're not fooling anyone, and certainly not me.
Not everyone behaves as you do.
No you havent.
I have already thought out and gone that route
and found it still happens without the headphones.
You refuse to believe me,
so that remains your presumption
and your problem, not mine.
When you lie you just hurt yourself.
I'm open to the problem being the headphones but I've already tested
it out and find it still happens with the headphones out of the picture.
The truth doesn't fit inside your idea of reality,
so you have to attack me personally and call me an idiot and a liar.
Look at your own faults before you look at those of others.
Realize we aren't all perfect
and that's not a reason to hate and attempt to hurt others.
I'm just trying to understand better, not out to fool anyone.
It's easy to prove that loud sounds damage hearing.
It's a much harder thing to prove that subtle, low volume, or should
I say 'difficult to perceive' sounds, cause hearing damage.
The cause and the effect are both poorly misunderstood in the subtle case.
We have a better understanding of the easy to perceive.
(Like Paul pointed out, the sound could actually be much
louder and more damaging than it is perceived as,
a symptom or clue to a larger problem).
The reason being; subtle things are harder to examine
and pinpoint, and therefore are much harder to prove.
Not everything is written down in books
or proven to be absolute by science.
We still have a long way to go
and I doubt everything will be proven or understood fully.
You try to explain infinity with absolutes.
You belittle life, nature, and creation in the process.
Science is just one way to perceive something.
Also, a subtle low volume noise from a machine
is much different from that of a natural source.
Some people might have tinnitus and
not know the reason why they got it.
Thus, a lot of these cases go unnoticed and unreported.
That's just your opinion.
It's relevant if it changes or helps someone in a hopefully positive way.
You can call life irrelevant, you can call us irrelevant,
but I see it as an opportunity.
Why belittle life in such a way?
Try to look on the bright side or you might as well give up now.
You can try to make people feel small to make yourself feel big but I can
see through your efforts. This feels like a throwback to high school days.
Throw as many punches as you want, but none of them will land.
I have my own experience,
that is proof enough for me.
If these cases weren't so hard to pinpoint then you would probably
hear about more. There are probably a lot of such incidents, people
just don't report it, it passes by misunderstood, or it goes unnoticed.
You shouldn't expect an abundance of proof in these cases.
That is a useless cliche.
I'm not trying to fool anyone.
It's not my fault if you misunderstood my intentions.
Not trying to fool anyone,
was just looking to get a better understanding and
perhaps some advice about a serious issue for me.
I approached it in a respectful
and open manner and you had to act as you did
in a depraved and angst filled way towards me.
You're so insecure, that if someone doesn't believe as you do,
you need to attack them to make yourself feel secure again.
Don't take your anger out on other people,
especially those that did not incite it.
Anger just leads to more anger. What's the point? You can
try to hurt me all you want, but it's not going to work. I see
through your words and actions as I'm sure most others do too.
Tinnitus is a type of hearing damage.
Healthy ears don't ring.
You are just a paranoid person thinking I'm lying.
Why? What for?
I have to reason to lie. I want to arrive at the truth and lying would just hinder that.
No, I arrived at it by excluding the other possibilities
that I tested and saw weren't the cause.
You presume again that I don't understand the placebo effect.
I've read about it and seen programs about it so
I think I have a good enough understanding of it.
If the monitor was a placebo, then the ringing
wouldn't get worse around it, it would just be irritating.
You presume and presume and presume.
In addition you don't believe anything I say so
what is the difference? There really is little point to this
I realize. I hope however it might help someone else,
perhaps in a similar situation, to understand, if not you or me.
Cause and effect.
The sound is the cause and by understanding it you understand the effect better.
There you go attaching your absolutism to every problem you encounter.
You think after reading an article on it you've become an expert
and authority on the topic and anyone who produces something
outside of your understanding must be lying, stupid, or both.
Why do call me a child?
I'm not a child,
and anyway, what is wrong with being a child?
Do you belittle children and speak to them as if they're idiots as well?
Do they deserve to be treated as such?
You are just filling them with your own angst.
Stop the cycle with yourself.
Your beliefs are based on presumptions about me.
Well, I don't get tinnitus from laying in bed in a quiet atmosphere
or when away from the computer. It only comes back when I'm
in front of the computer for a long duration with or without the
headphones. I also don't listen at high volume levels when I
use the headphones. It could be both, the computer and the
headphones, but in my experience the computer is more
offensive and damaging. The computer consistently proves
to be a problem, while the headphones are inconsistent and
only when used in conjunction with the computer.
But, you will disregard the computer/monitor
theory right away and not give it a chance.
That's not a very rigorous and scientific approach Rod.
I thought that's what you were telling me I lacked?
You're trying to find your own faults in others.
If calling someone a fool, calling them stupid, and telling
them they're worthless isn't derogatory then what is?
You forget your lies so quickly and readily in
order to bolster your argument or lack of one.
Yes, I understand that.
I told you that it gets worse 'without' the headphones.
I can sit in front of the computer without headphones
and the ringing will get worse. I can take a break and
let it heal, and the problem will return 'without' the
headphones. I haven't worn the headphones for the
last few days and the problem is still here and getting
worse, so I'm sorry I'll have to cut this delightful
conversation short after this and take a long break. lol
A dripping tap is a natural sound that our ears have evolved to live with.
The sounds emitted by a computer monitor are unnatural
and possibly harmful.
I don't think the sounds emitted are so fully understood to call it 'safe'.
You need time to determine these things and when new products are released,
they haven't gone through this testing process. There is a big
difference between a subtle natural sound and a subtle unnatural sound.
We are introducing sounds that our ears are not meant
to withstand, especially for long periods of time.
Natural sounds are also not repetitive
and incessant as the sounds made by machines.
Read the post by Paul and connect it with this
conversation, it's very interesting and informative.
You keep stating the obvious to me as if I'm an idiot
and have overlooked the obvious or can't see the obvious.
And if I was an idiot, why do you need to talk to me in such a way?
Are you so perfect and without error to give you the right to treat people as such?
And if you were, would you treat people as such?
How do you explain the problem becoming worse without the headphones ?
Without the cause the effect should diminish or remain constant.
Why does the tinnitus go away and only come back around the computer?
During the time I'm around the computer I can feel it getting worse.
In contrast, during the time I'm using the headphones without
the computer in the picture I feel no such effect (for example
listening to music at night). Why doesn't it come back with
the headphones without the computer?
Why would the damage from the headphones appear
most obvious, and get worse, when in front of the
computer yet disappear or diminish away from it?
My conclusion is that the monitor is the primary, and
the headphones contribute or make the problem worse.
I am open to the contrary, but I've already tested it out.
You dismiss the monitor as being a cause
completely despite the evidence on the contrary.
I seriously doubt however that you care, and just see
this as another chance to inflate your ego even more.
Cause and effect.
The sound is the cause, the tinnitus is the
effect. You need the cause for the effect.
If you understand the cause you better understand the effect.
If you dismiss one thing, that one thing may be the clue that
leads to better understanding, and you have just passed it by.
There you go again with your condescension and
derogatory remarks that you claim you don't make.
What's the point? Do you think it helps anything
besides bloating your infested ego? If and when it
pops you'll be the one hurting and confused not me.
I've told you about how I tested,
so if you don't believe what I said than what can
I say to change it?... nothing you will believe.
Well, take care Rod. No hard feelings,
hopefully we better understand each other now.
I don't expect to come here very often in the future so
my lies won't do me any good. I have nothing to support
with the lies. What a waste of all those good lies. lol
Thanks everyone for your sincere help though, and even you Rod,
though you had to try to pull me down and spit on me in the process.
JAD replied:Najam said:I've changed the power supply