The codes didn't work. The DISTINCT in the codes "DISTINCT Ttable.DateTime,
Ttable.QFINAL" is on both attributes. The multiple records do have different
DateTime, so the duplicates for QFINAL can't be removed by this codes.
One more thing is about my question in my first reply on Dec 12th. I have a
question about excluding the date whenever there is a Bad record on that
date. QFINALFlag="B". It is not about zero values. Some nonzero values are
also bad data. I don't know how to exclude a date whenever there is a bad
record? Do you have any idea to do that? Thank you a lot!
The codes didn't work. The DISTINCT in the codes "DISTINCT Ttable.DateTime,
Ttable.QFINAL" is on both attributes. The multiple records do have different
DateTime, so the duplicates for QFINAL can't be removed by this codes.
One more thing is about my question in my first reply on Dec 12th. I have a
question about excluding the date whenever there is a Bad record on that
date. QFINALFlag="B". It is not about zero values. Some nonzero values are
also bad data. I don't know how to exclude a date whenever there is a bad
record? Do you have any idea to do that? Thank you a lot!