Robert, you have no idea of what you speak. In the US, although we have
some of the best doctors, the average dr., that is, the dr's you get
with an HMO are barely up to snuff. The worst thing about it is the
insurance company telling you you have to see Dr. "A" even though they
are a shitty Dr, and you don't like them, and the insurance company,
with only profit motive in mind, telling you you can't have a treatment
or service you need because "they" don't approve of it. You have no idea
how good you have it. The DD is a product of the cold war mentality
where they were brainwashed into believing that anything provided by
government = the govt is controlling their lives and it's communist and
we're all going to hell because... but when it comes to the "because"
part he has no answer, just what the government told him. So in essence,
he has become his own worst fear.
Hold a sec there, Rev.
A) I never clamed America has a good health system, I said the good Canadian
doctors go there for a job (public doctors here make 1/2 - 1/4 of private
doctors in the US)
B) Two-tier health care is illegal here, meaning the government tells them
how much a doctor can make, there is no such thing as a pay-private
C) Be happy you can see Doctor "A", here it's a 14 month weighting list,
even for those with an estimated 10-12 months left to live. ( The docs will
AND HAVE moved up the estimate to collate w/ availably so they may say 22
D) The provincial government in Manitoba is basically using the system to
tax the hell out of us and control the population. No it's not communism and
we are not going to hell. But it is socialism, and the working man does not
win here.
I am not saying that America is any good unless your a millionaire, I am
saying that my countries health care sucks...
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