jason said:
I tried the piffile both with and without switches. Like I told David,
I'm not 100% sure I tested every conceivable combination of pif and
batfile, but I *think* I tested most of them.
I've now got the batch thing worked out. I've tested in every possible
Mozilla scenario I could imagine. Tested with multi-profile, and their
various settings. Tested again, after finding a way to revert to Mozilla
default config (by hiding from it that registry.dat file it looks for over
in the %appdata% folder, which tells it where to find out about any
profiles). Tested variations of startup settings (those chosen in edit>
preferences> appearances> mozilla starts up with> navigator, mail, etc).
Tested with the -turbo quicklaunch thing, which has the mozilla.exe kept
on as a running process. I am satisfied that it works. For w98 at minimum.
Here is the bat file:
start mozilla.exe -nosplash -edit "%1"
(That %1 %2 %3 etc variable works too, but turned out unneeded, after all.)
Where I've put "start mozilla.exe" you can substitute with the full path
to mozilla.exe. But then make sure it's in quotes, in case you have spaces
in that path.
Or you can do what I did, put an .lnk somewhere in your path, which points
to your mozilla executable. This enables you to just type the name only.
When creating shortcuts, you are able to type just the name there, as well
(Windows silently auto-adds the path). And on the run command, and in file
protocol, too, but that part's not applicable here. Actually, Jason, I think
you already know this, distant memory is that you once discussed it, to some
extent. But not specifically with batch files. So, it's the form above works;
calling "start" in the batch is needed if using the .lnk trick.
Anyway, you would use the bat file above. Either with having done the .lnk
thing, else with full path to mozilla.exe. Then do the right-mouse drag on
the bat file, choosing create shortcut, to give you a .pif linked [*] to it.
Drop the pif into your sendto folder. On the pif properties, choose close on
exit, run minimized, pretty icon.
[*The way the pif manager steps in when we create a shortcut to our batches,
that's probably a w9x thing. I'm not going to worry right now by trying to
think about the variation with shortcuts to batch files in the NT system.]
Jason, actually, this time I don't have as high a need as before to impose
on you to try the test. It helped a lot that you did so earlier; resulted
in my taking a better look, cleaning up some of my initial inaccurate
guesses, and find out how Mozilla wants to be called up in the various
situations. Especially not worth your hassle now that it's not a something
you need on your system, this in sendto.
Only time might be somewhere in the future, were you to decide to give the
Moz composer a demotion. I tend to keep my most frequently-used commands in
the explorer menu. And then in my sendto menu, a lot more stuff (including
new apps). Sendto has that nested folders thing going for it, and doesn't
get to feeling overcrowded as quickly as the explorer menu.