Hi, we have many 3rd party developers using our VB server interface
API with structures with fields that are based 1 array bounds, i.e.,
Type Tuser
End type
type TFullFileRecord
LongDescription(1 to MAX_LONGDESC_LINES) as String*SIZE_LONGDESC
end type
For our VB.NET port, and for the sake of some level of USAGE
compatibility, I want (desire) to maintain the long traditional idea
for BASIC programmers that these fields are based one. We also have an
server-side embedded BASIC language that are based 1 as well. So it
would help to maintain this concept.
Currently, I am using a VB.NET structure like so for TUser
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi)>
Public Structure TSecurityName
<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, sizeconst:=SIZE_SECURITY_NAME)>
Public Name As String
End Structure
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi)>
Public Structure TUser
Public Security() As TSecurityName
sub init()
redim Security(NUM_USER_SECURITY-1)
end sub
End Structure
and as we know the lower and upper bound here is 0 to NUM_USER_SECURITY-1.
Short of using a class wrapper, maybe a Get/Set Property, is there a
way or method to declare, maybe at the compiler level what the lower
bound would be?
I am trying to maintain with the <structurelayout> for marshalling
purposes, and avoid writing our own fixed structure/class marshalling
handler. But then again, it seems .NET is so rich with implementation
interfaces, it might be feasible to explore some replacement interface.
what say you?
Thanks in advance
API with structures with fields that are based 1 array bounds, i.e.,
Type Tuser
End type
type TFullFileRecord
LongDescription(1 to MAX_LONGDESC_LINES) as String*SIZE_LONGDESC
end type
For our VB.NET port, and for the sake of some level of USAGE
compatibility, I want (desire) to maintain the long traditional idea
for BASIC programmers that these fields are based one. We also have an
server-side embedded BASIC language that are based 1 as well. So it
would help to maintain this concept.
Currently, I am using a VB.NET structure like so for TUser
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi)>
Public Structure TSecurityName
<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, sizeconst:=SIZE_SECURITY_NAME)>
Public Name As String
End Structure
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi)>
Public Structure TUser
Public Security() As TSecurityName
sub init()
redim Security(NUM_USER_SECURITY-1)
end sub
End Structure
and as we know the lower and upper bound here is 0 to NUM_USER_SECURITY-1.
Short of using a class wrapper, maybe a Get/Set Property, is there a
way or method to declare, maybe at the compiler level what the lower
bound would be?
I am trying to maintain with the <structurelayout> for marshalling
purposes, and avoid writing our own fixed structure/class marshalling
handler. But then again, it seems .NET is so rich with implementation
interfaces, it might be feasible to explore some replacement interface.
what say you?
Thanks in advance