Seriously, has anybody seen--or even heard--of a serious virus
(including rootkit or malware) problem in Windows when using
commercial antivirus protection?
Just say "malware" when you want to be all inclusive about malicious
software. Viruses are in only a smallish subcategory of malware. The
terms "rootkit", "adware" and "spyware" are really neutral (some are
malware, some are not).
That being said, even AV aimed at "prevention" has its achilles' heel -
and when prevention fails an attack against the AV can be launched,
which allows *everything* to circumvent it.
One of the claims of the Linux crowd is that such problems are
legion. But talking so some of the people at alt.comp.anti-virus I
get the impression such problems are rare.
The Linux crowd is getting more and more like the Windows crowd every

Who is more right?
It depends on whom you ask.

The bottom line is that antivirus and antimalware programs only detect
*some* of what they try to detect. The best approach is to limit the
amount of malware that you expose those programs to. Adhering to best
practices may result in avoiding 95% (just a guess) of malware out
there. The rest will be worms (i.e. exploit based autoworms) and viruses
(downloaded from *reputable* sources).