From: "Virus Guy" <
[email protected]>
| This morning I get an e-mail advertizing itself as coming from Facebook,
| containing a link to a zip'd executable file.
| I download the file and submit it to VT.
| VT is reporting it's already seen the file, but the file date and time
| it says it first saw it is the same as the current (present) date and
| time. It says that in it's last run, the file was being detected by 20
| out of 41 AV apps. Neither Symantec or Antivir is detecting the file as
| a threat.
| I say go ahead, scan it again. This time it's coming back with 22 AV's
| detecting it (two more compared to it's previous scan). Symantec is one
| of those - Antivir still not picking it up:
| I'm not an active supporter of any particular AV app, certainly not
| Symantec.
| But I don't think it deserves a bad rap (from a detection POV). It's
| probably in the top 5 of that group of 40-odd AV programs. Maybe it's a
| slug from a system performance pov - I don't know.
I have Symantec SAVCE on all my office computers (not by choice) and I
find I have to
remove rogues too bloody often becuse Symantec filed to recognize the
infection before or
I have one guy on temporary duty and I received an email from his BB
indicating a rogue
infection. I told him NOT to use the notebook and he must see me when he
returns to the
office Friday AM.
BTW: I can get the sample from Virus Total unless you are WILLING to
upload it to;
I am *always* willing to accept any/all submissions posted to