John Hood
He, made your net wage for a week as gross wages. Not bad pocket money,Will said:I went to a Saturday computer market today and there was this guy there
selling Microsoft XP service pack 2 and other free programs for $15. The
kid had a box of 50 and when I went back 4 hours later (to return a faulty
item but that;s another story) the kid had five left. Not bad pocket money.
Let's just assume in the grossly unlikely event that he doesn't pay tax on
it and after paying less than $1 per item in production (no CD labels or
jewel case) he has made my net wage for the week on a Saturday morning.
less the cost of paying the exhibitor fee for the computer show, less
gas and hotel if he came from out of state.
And again so what if he did? Anyone paying $20 for an XP service pack 2
cd either doesn't have broadband, or is thicker than a whale omelet and
deserves to get taken for $20.
Illegal? No. Immoral? No.
John Hood
Web Site www.jhoodsoft.org
"The best home and business free software, no ads, no time limits, no
"No kidding."