SEGA Lindbergh Arcade Board Naked - GPU Shown to be 2004-era GeForce 6 series

  • Thread starter Thread starter AirRaid1500
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Air said:
"They... didn't. Arcade games running on Model 3 hardware got ported to
Saturn with minimal loss of quality, from what I remember. The Saturn
was nowhere close to the performance of the Voodoo."

That has got to be the biggest bunch of bullshit I've heard in a year.
First of all the Saturn did not get one single Model 3 game. Saturn VF3
was canned. Since you probably meant Model 2 games, it is still
bullshit. Model 2 games were not 'ported' to Saturn with minimal loss
of quality. Model 2 games were translated to Saturn with a MASSIVE,
MASSIVE loss in quality everytime, dispite some translations being
better than others. the Saturn had NO genuine 3D polygon processing
capabilities whatsoever. Saturn's 3D graphics was all hacked up, faked

I've got to call bullshit on this, it's taking popular rhetoric to
a new low. Neither the PS1 nor the Saturn used polygons in the way
consoles from the N64 on did, or cards from the 3Dfx on did. This is
true. To make matters worse, Saturn white docs refer to its rendering
method as using "sprites" in 3D, and the Saturn only used quadrilaterals
rather than the (now) industry standard triangles. However, "No genuine
3D processing" would equate to the Doom engine which has no Z axis.
The Saturn could generate graphics in 3D as well as anything released
within 2 years of it. With that said, the Model 2 had everything,
including the PS1, N64 and every PS1 or N64 related arcade board,
absolutely flattened in technical capabilities. The fact that any Model
2 arcade games made it to the Saturn in *good* form (Sega Rally, Daytona
CCE, Virtual On) is saying nothing but positive things about the
Saturn's "fake" 3D capabilities.


Useful Usenet definitions:

Gr: Hupokrites;
1. an actor, stage player
2. a dissembler, pretender, hypocrite

Dissembler(Synonym of hypocrite);
1 : to hide under a false appearance
2 : to put on the appearance of
Pez said:
well, i now have come to a conclusion on one aspect of this discussion:
you are a ****ing troll.

Ya' think? This "Air Raid"/"Radeon350" is constantly cross-posting
spam and *constantly* nym-shifting to avoid kill-files. Here's a list
of 'nyms he's used in *this thread alone*

(e-mail address removed)
"Air Raid" <[email protected]>
"Air Raid" <[email protected]>
Air Raidwrote
That has got to be the biggest bunch of bullshit I've heard in year
First of all the Saturn did not get one single Model 3 game. Satur VF
was canned. Since you probably meant Model 2 games, it is stil
bullshit. Model 2 games were not 'ported' to Saturn with minima los
of quality. Model 2 games were translated to Saturn with MASSIVE
MASSIVE loss in quality everytime, dispite some translations bein
better than others. the Saturn had NO genuine 3D polygo processin
capabilities whatsoever. Saturn's 3D graphics was all hacked up fake

Saturn *translations* or *adaptions* of Model 2 arcade games wer no
even remotely close to being as good as the arcade. not even VF2
dispite the fact that Saturn VF2 was running at the same framerat
(60fps) and in higher res than the arcade, there was a massiv
reduction in the amount of (faked) polygons in the Saturn version no
to mention textures. even the MUCH closer Playstation2 emulatio o
VF2 is not as good as the arcade, with downgraded texture work

And don't even get me started about Daytona USA or even Dayton CCE
the Saturn versions were not even at 25% of the arcade game

Hmm. The only way this makes any sense at all is if you're confusin
the parallel scrolling backgrounds used in some Saturn fighters (VF2
Last Bronx, maybe VF Kids and Fighters Megamix - not sure) with ever
other model 2 game released on the console. Even then, Last Bronx ha
a lot of 3D in the backgrounds, and Fighters Megamix of course had th
walled/caged arenas - all 3D

Or maybe you're talking about sprites used in FPS games for enemie
and objects? If so then yes, Duke Nukem, Doom etc. did do that. Bu
what about Quake's full-3D engine? I assume you forgot about tha

Saturn 3D was fine. Yes, the quality of the graphics when compared t
the model 2 originals were poor, with lower resolution textures, les
polygons etc., but the 3D was very real. I could ask you to back u
your idea by explaining how games with 3D movement worked withou
real 3D, but I'll save you the embarassment

Check ou
for a look at Shenmue running in FULL 3D on Saturn. A little diggin
reveals that this was running on a stock Saturn with no booste
cartridges or anything like that