On Fri, 17 Feb 2006 06:20:49 +1100, "Rod Speed"
:>>>>> That may be a result of lack of 48bit LBA
:>>>>> support in the bios, just affecting formatting.
:>>>> Yeah, that must be it. Obviously it miraculously
:>>>> formatted itself before he had this crash, or
:>>>> maybe the bios downgraded itself afterwards.
:>>> I probably formatted it with Partition Magic 7.0. The fact
:>>> that I couldn't format my 40 GB FAT32 partition seems to
:>>> be the result of Windows format not supporting more than
:>>> 32 GB for FAT32. Unfortunately, the Windows didn't make
:>>> that clear and it seems to me very very stupid of MS.
:>> That isnt seen with XP, it doesnt even offer you FAT32 as
:>> a possibility with partitions bigger than it will format FAT32.
:> It wouldn't bother me if they'd just gone to the trouble of giving
:> me a comprehensible error message such as "FAT32 partitions
:> larger than 32 GB are not supported by this format utility."
:Sure, MS generally doesnt do it that way with that level of ute.
:They basically do it the way XP does it and document it elsewhere.
Doesn't seem fair to the user. I was left guessing what the reason was -
in my case, that I had a hardware problem, whereas they knew it was
because they just didn't support it in the utility.
:>>> Anyway, I had no trouble making the drive OK now with Partition
:>>> Magic. A Seagate support guy warned me yesterday to steer
:>>> away from Partition Magic, but it looks like it's either that
:>>> or be satisfied with 32 GB FAT32 partitions, so I did it anyway.
:>> There aint just those two alternatives.
:> Such as? FAT?
:I meant other than those two ways of formatting
:a FAT32 partition that is bigger than 32G
OK, I see.
:>>> It's the first such warning I've gotten, and
:>>> I suspect his motives in offering that info.
:>> You shouldnt, it can **** some configs rather comprehensively.
:> Didn't have trouble before
lenty of others have.
:> and have little reason to believe it has been responsible for problems.
:We dont know what the problem actually is yet, so
:you dont know if its actually been caused by PM yet.
:> I could live with just a 32 GB FAT32 partition, after all it's not all
:> that much smaller than 40 GB, which I have set up now, though.
:I think its more likely that its a red herring since you say you do
:have TV capture files and those are too bit for FAT32 on the whole.
The TV capture stuff I do is on the NTFS partition, not the FAT32.
:And I wouldnt just close my eyes to the problem you
riginally had either, thats guaranteed to bite in the future.
I figure it's apt to, yeah. Thanks.
:>>> Thanks all for the help.
:>>>>> That may be a result of lack of 48bit LBA
:>>>>> support in the bios, just affecting formatting.
:>>>> Yeah, that must be it. Obviously it miraculously
:>>>> formatted itself before he had this crash, or
:>>>> maybe the bios downgraded itself afterwards.
:>>> I probably formatted it with Partition Magic 7.0. The fact
:>>> that I couldn't format my 40 GB FAT32 partition seems to
:>>> be the result of Windows format not supporting more than
:>>> 32 GB for FAT32. Unfortunately, the Windows didn't make
:>>> that clear and it seems to me very very stupid of MS.
:>> That isnt seen with XP, it doesnt even offer you FAT32 as
:>> a possibility with partitions bigger than it will format FAT32.
:> It wouldn't bother me if they'd just gone to the trouble of giving
:> me a comprehensible error message such as "FAT32 partitions
:> larger than 32 GB are not supported by this format utility."
:Sure, MS generally doesnt do it that way with that level of ute.
:They basically do it the way XP does it and document it elsewhere.
Doesn't seem fair to the user. I was left guessing what the reason was -
in my case, that I had a hardware problem, whereas they knew it was
because they just didn't support it in the utility.
:>>> Anyway, I had no trouble making the drive OK now with Partition
:>>> Magic. A Seagate support guy warned me yesterday to steer
:>>> away from Partition Magic, but it looks like it's either that
:>>> or be satisfied with 32 GB FAT32 partitions, so I did it anyway.
:>> There aint just those two alternatives.
:> Such as? FAT?
:I meant other than those two ways of formatting
:a FAT32 partition that is bigger than 32G
OK, I see.
:>>> It's the first such warning I've gotten, and
:>>> I suspect his motives in offering that info.
:>> You shouldnt, it can **** some configs rather comprehensively.
:> Didn't have trouble before

:> and have little reason to believe it has been responsible for problems.
:We dont know what the problem actually is yet, so
:you dont know if its actually been caused by PM yet.
:> I could live with just a 32 GB FAT32 partition, after all it's not all
:> that much smaller than 40 GB, which I have set up now, though.
:I think its more likely that its a red herring since you say you do
:have TV capture files and those are too bit for FAT32 on the whole.
The TV capture stuff I do is on the NTFS partition, not the FAT32.
:And I wouldnt just close my eyes to the problem you

I figure it's apt to, yeah. Thanks.
:>>> Thanks all for the help.