Folkert Rienstra
Dom Robinson said:I hadn't thought about doing that, or suspecting the USB 2.0 might not be
activated as the Lacie was fine on the same port (round the back) and when
I've connected my MP3 player (Creative 60Gb Zen) to the front USB port it's
transferred songs across to it at the expected a song/second approx.
Anyway, then came the weirdest thing. I transferred a 100Mb file (well 99.9Mb)
from the Seagate to the internal drive and it took a ridiculous 10 mins 16 secs.
148 kB/sec
I transferred the same file back to the Seagate (to another directory so it
didn't overwrite) and it took only a few seconds. Just to be on the safe side,
I had a 200Mb file to test so transferred that to the Seagate and it took a
matter of seconds too.
Obviously not USB1 as that would take a minimum 2 minutes.
Realizing I had the option of Firewire on the Seagate, I unplugged the USB and
connected it via the Firewire (which after unplugging for the next USB test, I
realized isn't as hot-swappable and I had to plug the firewire cable into the
PC, then the Seagate and then switch the Seagate on - or at least that's how
it worked out for me), even though I know Firewire is about 4/5 the max speed
of USB2.0.
Time to transfer? 4 seconds!
25MB/s. Not unsimilar to your HD Tach results.
Playing back the files that were giving me
trouble before were now an absolute dream! That nagging feeling of having to
send back the Seagate because it was playing up disappeared and was replaced
with elation.
You, sir, are a genius!
No, he's not, especially since he got most of his conclusions completely wrong.
Going back to the second USB test and I tried the Seagate in the front USB
port (one of three) with the same cable and it only took a few seconds.
I then connected the Seagate to the rear USB port (one of two, but the other's
taken with a Creative device for a wireless keyboard) with the USB cable from
the Lacie, which is much shorter, and the same 100Mb file transferred to the C
drive took 2mins 12secs.
Close enough to what is USB1's 800kB/s ceiling and what looks like the bottom
of that square hole in your HD Tach graph.
I'll monitor how things go over the next couple of weeks before I set about
returning the Lacie drive (just want to make sure all is well first - call me
paranoidbut clearly I don't need things to run anywhere near the max USB
2.0 speed to play back the MPEG2 files but I'll most likely stick with the
Firewire connection.
Use HD Tach to compare which interface has the least overhead. USB may have
the higher clockrate over a FireWire connection but what counts is what user
data rate remains after serial interface and command overhead are accounted for.
About the USB ports, could it be that at least one of the rear USB ports are a
bit on the crap side?
Looks like it.
Strange also that one cable provides much better results (and better than USB1.1),
If you mean that 2 minute over 10 minute event, then no.
The 2 minute 12 event was USB1.1 , spot on.
The 10 minute event may have run with the lowest USB speed of 1.5Mb/s.
but still not a patch on Firewire.
Serial bus protocol and command overhead decide what part of the bandwidth is
left for userdata.