Barry Watzman
I'd argue with you that since we both found different pinouts for the
VGA connector, and since your own reference for the later pinout then
goes on to state that "There are 3 different protocols defined for DDC"
That the only real conclusion is that DDC on a VGA analog display system
(monitor and video card) is simply not fully standardized and therefore
cannot be assumed or expected with a random monitor (many of which are
5+ years old) and a random video card (probably newer, but not
guaranteed to be 2006 new). Sure there may be combinations of some
monitors and some display cards where it's implemented and works in a
compatible manner, but there are probably a lot more where it doesn't
work due to not being implemented (or being implemented differently) on
either the monitor or the card.
VGA connector, and since your own reference for the later pinout then
goes on to state that "There are 3 different protocols defined for DDC"
That the only real conclusion is that DDC on a VGA analog display system
(monitor and video card) is simply not fully standardized and therefore
cannot be assumed or expected with a random monitor (many of which are
5+ years old) and a random video card (probably newer, but not
guaranteed to be 2006 new). Sure there may be combinations of some
monitors and some display cards where it's implemented and works in a
compatible manner, but there are probably a lot more where it doesn't
work due to not being implemented (or being implemented differently) on
either the monitor or the card.
Benjamin said:* Barry Watzman:
Ok, on which of the 15 pins is the DDC implemented?
[you can get a list of the VGA connector pinout here:
This listing is way outdated, it only lists the pinout of the original
IBM VGA adapter almost 20 years ago...
Here is a more up2date link:
This is what all somewhat newer gfx cards (i.e. most VESA Localbus and
MCA cards, all PCI/AGP/PCIe gfx cards) use...
But it also would have been enough if you'd at least read the page you
reffered to because on the bottom it refers to SVGA with what also DDC
has been introduced...
There are 4 bits for "monitor ID", but the standard interface doesn't
have a DDC communication channel as far as I know.
It does.
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Discussion starts here and takes place here and not by mail. Sending
email copies is regarded as very rude behavior, especially when there is
absolutely no reason to do so. So please stop doing that. Thanks!