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Kennedy McEwen wrote:

Your response raises the question of whether you have used any, let
alone every version.

your response proves you can't read simple English.

Yes, it does.

"Yes it does" what? I asked if you can pre-set the preview
resolution, if anything the reply might be "Yes I can".
Familiar with the English language?

Obviously you do, whether you understand that or not, since you are
quite wrongly stating what can and can't be done - and advising others
based on your defective knowledge.

Still have to hear your explanation of how to set
the poreview resolution, mr "know it all"?
Your boofhead statements so far prove nothing.
Too late - you're now permanently identified on Google's archives as a

**** off, pisshead.
Still have to hear your explanation of how to set
the poreview resolution, mr "know it all"?
Your boofhead statements so far prove nothing.

**** off, pisshead.

Is this the same Noons that's been posting here? This seems totally
out of character. Kennedy's one of the most knowledgeable
contributors to this forum and one of the few who is still lurking
here (interest in scanning seems to have waned).
Some civility is in order.
Is this the same Noons that's been posting here? This seems totally
out of character. Kennedy's one of the most knowledgeable
contributors to this forum and one of the few who is still lurking
here (interest in scanning seems to have waned).
Some civility is in order.

Yes, starting with this idiot. I don't give a shit
what he has posted before and where. I'm not here
to gain points although others like you and him
might think so: couldn't give a frig about this place
and most of the Usenet, quite frankly.

When someone clearly and continually demonstrates
NO CLUE about what is being said, he/she cops it
from me. And I'll use whatever language I feel like
once a freaking idiot calls me a moron.
Got an issue with that, take it upstairs and see how
far you get.

I still have to hear from the so-called knowledgeable
piece of turd how EXACTLY does one set a precise
resolution for a preview in Nikonscan?
Which is the whole point since his intervention
and has nothing to do with the advice given to the OP.
Still no reply. Of course.

And no, I don't give a royal pluck if the guy has
worked for Nikon or written Nikonscan himself:
it ain't gonna make me change from using vuescan.
Got it?
Noons said:
Yes, starting with this idiot. I don't give a shit
what he has posted before and where. I'm not here
to gain points although others like you and him
might think so: couldn't give a frig about this place
and most of the Usenet, quite frankly.

When someone clearly and continually demonstrates
NO CLUE about what is being said, he/she cops it
from me. And I'll use whatever language I feel like
once a freaking idiot calls me a moron.
Got an issue with that, take it upstairs and see how
far you get.

I still have to hear from the so-called knowledgeable
piece of turd how EXACTLY does one set a precise
resolution for a preview in Nikonscan?
Which is the whole point since his intervention
and has nothing to do with the advice given to the OP.
Still no reply. Of course.

And no, I don't give a royal pluck if the guy has
worked for Nikon or written Nikonscan himself:
it ain't gonna make me change from using vuescan.
Got it?
Who gives a damn what you use to scan with? That is not in question and
nobody is trying to change that. What is in question is the ADVICE you
are giving on a product that you clearly have no knowledge of, because
YOUR advice influences what OTHER people scan with.

Like all morons and arrogant fools, you have lied and changed your
position every time your disinformation has been challenged. First its
PREVIEW SIZE that's the problem and when its demonstrated that you are
wrong about that it becomes PREVIEW RESOLUTION.

When you stop lying and exaggerating your own knowledge, people might
take you a little more seriously. Until then, your advice to anyone
here lacks credibility.

I don't work for Nikon, nor do I have any association with Nikonscan
other than having reported several bugs in it to Nikon for action, just
as I have done with Vuescan for Ed Hamrick. NS is not perfect by any
means and has many flaws and limitations, some of which are significant,
however the ONE that YOU cited as its comparative weakness to Vuescan is
certainly NOT among them.

As for resizing the preview in NS AND changing the preview resolution
(which you DIDN'T even question until your initial lies about resizing
were challenged):
Drag the lower corner of the Preview image with the mouse, move it to
the desired size and click the Preview button to refresh the view at the
resolution required for that size. Any size at the required resolution,
limited only by the screen area YOU make available to the preview.

Just like Rafe told you 8 posts ago in the thread, but you were TOO
STUPID to listen!

Now, get off your soapbox and stop peddling the falsehoods of your
inexperience and lack of knowledge as fact.
Who gives a damn what you use to scan with?
That is not in question

The person who asked the question, ****wit.
And which you ignored consistently, in your
urge to start one of your stupid pissing contests.
Yes it very much is in question. Have you read the
messages, arsehole? Here it is, you stupid ****wit:

"what software do you use with the 9000?
steve "

If that is not a question of what do I use for
scanning, then what is, you stupid ****wit?
But arsehole trolls like you are too easy
to trap into their own incoherent babble.

What is in question is the ADVICE you
are giving on a product that you clearly have no knowledge of, because
YOUR advice influences what OTHER people scan with.

Really? So, which SPECIFIC advice do you
consider I have no knowledge of, ****wit?
And for once,

Like all morons and arrogant fools, you have lied and changed your
position every time your disinformation has been challenged.

No, you have. Trying to cover your ignorant arse now,

YOU are the one who didn't understand what I was
saying, jumped to a wrong conclusion and are now
desperately trying to cover your sorry ignorant arse
under your stupid pseudo-science patina.
Which includes pearls of wisdom as the following:
First its
PREVIEW SIZE that's the problem and when its demonstrated that you are
wrong about that it becomes PREVIEW RESOLUTION.

Listen, ****wit: the two are completely and totally
inter-related. If you had READ ALL replies,
you'd have found out that I mentioned vuescan can
set ANY resolution for previews. Something that
sorry-arsed product of yours never did and
STILL can't do!

When you stop lying and exaggerating your own knowledge, people might
take you a little more seriously. Until then, your advice to anyone
here lacks credibility.

That's rich, from a ****wit who hasn't yet
answered the questions.
however the ONE that YOU cited as its comparative weakness to Vuescan is
certainly NOT among them.

So, ****wit: how do YOU set a SPECIFIC
resolution for previews?
Drag the lower corner of the Preview image with the mouse, move it to
the desired size and click the Preview button to refresh the view at the
resolution required for that size. Any size at the required resolution,
limited only by the screen area YOU make available to the preview.

No it most definitely does not do that!
Resizing the preview does NOT change
the resolution to the "resolution required" setting,
you miserable ignorant twit.

It MIGHT change it to a new value ONCE
a window size THRESHOLD that is known only to
Nikon is met. Until then, it stays at EXACTLY the same
resolution. And if you happen to have a monitor
that does not meet that threshold, you're stuck up
the proverbial with enlarged jagged low res images
which, as I said, are NEXT TO USELESS.

Compare that to a specific entry in vuescan that will
set a preview to ANY resolution the scanner supports,
REGARDLESS of the size of window you have for
that preview! Damn, you can even set it to the final
scan rez, if you so wish! Although only someone as
stupid as you would do that, of course.
You can then scroll within that window to see any
portion that doesn't fit in your screen.
Now, which product produces the goods when it comes
to resolution and size of previews?
Don't bother: you've shown already to be too stupid and
biased to even understand the question, let alone produce
an answer.
Now, get off your soapbox and stop peddling the falsehoods of your
inexperience and lack of knowledge as fact.

I suggest you lead, you ignorant ****wit.
And try to present REAL FACTS instead of
"resolutions required" and other pseudo-science
obfuscation, you sorry excuse for
an "expert".

Recently said:
Kennedy McEwen wrote:

your response proves you can't read simple English.
Your comments in this thread appear to be quite atypical of your previous
contributions. I'm not sure what pushed your buttons, but something has.
I'd like to offer the following suggestions:
"Yes it does" what? I asked if you can pre-set the preview
resolution, if anything the reply might be "Yes I can".
Familiar with the English language?
Usenet is an international forum with many contributors that are not
native English speakers. It is neither helpful nor enlightening to nitpick
such things, especially when the intent of the message is pretty clear. In
this case, Kennedy clearly implies that one can set the preview resolution
in NS.
Still have to hear your explanation of how to set
the poreview resolution, mr "know it all"?
So far, I have not seen you ask the question "how does one set the
resolution"? It is not reasonable to expect answers to questions that you
haven't asked. I agree with Roger S. that civility would be appreciated by
myself and likely by other readers in this group.

Does anyone know if version 4.02 will work with an LS-2000? The Nikon
web site lists the latest LS-2000 version as 3.xx, but I'm wondering if
the later versions will work.

Neil said:
Usenet is an international forum with many contributors that are not
native English speakers.

You are tellling ME that?
It is neither helpful nor enlightening to nitpick
such things, especially when the intent of the message is pretty clear. In
this case, Kennedy clearly implies that one can set the preview resolution
in NS.

No, you most certainly can NOT set the preview resolution!
You can guess it, or try to outguess indirectly what it will be,
but you most certainly can NOT "set" that resolution!
So far, I have not seen you ask the question "how does one set the
resolution"? It is not reasonable to expect answers to questions that you
haven't asked. I agree with Roger S. that civility would be appreciated by
myself and likely by other readers in this group.

You know what?
Shove it.

Good bye.
Whilst you continue to demonstrate that you are a moron.

Other than tiredly repeating that tired old insult,
how about explaining to all how do you set
a preview resolution to exactly 1000 dpi with Nikonscan?
Ah yes, you can't. And you don't have the courage
to admit you can't do it. That is why the insults
continue. Isn't it, you ignorant pisshead?

Now, **** off.
Recently said:
No, you most certainly can NOT set the preview resolution!
You can guess it, or try to outguess indirectly what it will be,
but you most certainly can NOT "set" that resolution!
One of the two of you are correct. The bottom line is that you disagree...
no big deal, and certainly no reason for a lack of civility. I was caught
by surprise, as I've appreciated many of your other posts and they
presented your demeanor in a completely different light.

One of the two of you are correct. The bottom line is that you disagree...

No, the clear bottom line is that
there is NO WAY to set a given
preview resolution in Nikonscan,
like I said and then got contradicted
in an insulting way by that stupid
arse. And then once again you
jumped in with the implication it is
possible when you know perfectly well
that is not the case.
no big deal,

of course not, let's provide incorrect
information or blowhard "required
resolution" statements instead
of the accurate facts.
and certainly no reason for a lack of civility. I was caught
by surprise, as I've appreciated many of your other posts and they
presented your demeanor in a completely different light.

My position is always the same: I provide
correct and factual information that can be
confirmed and verified by anyone with half a brain
and the ability to read basic English.

Don't expect me to take fools gladly, though.
I couldn't give a fig about "demeanors"
and "different lights": that's for marketeers
and their particular brand of information
including the "required resolutions".

But all that is immaterial.
Have a good life everyone in this group,
I hope you all get lots of misinformation.
I'm done with this bullshit.
No, the clear bottom line is that
there is NO WAY to set a given
preview resolution in Nikonscan,
like I said and then got contradicted
in an insulting way by that stupid
arse. And then once again you
jumped in with the implication it is
possible when you know perfectly well
that is not the case.

Who cares about the preview resolution?

The fact is that in every version of NikonScan that I've
used, since June 2001, the preview window has been
completely resizeable, up to the limit of the screen size
(aka "screen resolution.")

IIIRC, the version I started with was 3.1, and the
current version is 4.1 or 4.x.

Noons, you need to know who you're arguing with.
Kennedy has been around these parts for eons, and
knows his stuff -- more than you can imagine.

For the record, I own and have used VueScan, and
it's not for me. For all its quirks, I've learned to make
the most of NikonScan. It's the devil I know.

rafe b
Who cares about the preview resolution?

Obviously, I do? And for very good reasons.

The fact is that in every version of NikonScan that I've
used, since June 2001, the preview window has been
completely resizeable, up to the limit of the screen size
(aka "screen resolution.")

who cares about window resizing, Raf?
Next you gonna tell me html jpg
resizing is also perfectly fine?

Noons, you need to know who you're arguing with.
Kennedy has been around these parts for eons, and
knows his stuff -- more than you can imagine.

Rafe, you need to realize I don't give a royal
flying pluck who I'm talking to, their "credentials",
and/or their past here or anywhere else!

Anyone calls me on anything I say based on
bullshit arguments rather than fact and does
so in a derogatory tone, they cop it in spades.
Simple as that and it won't EVER change!

For the record, I own and have used VueScan, and
it's not for me. For all its quirks, I've learned to make
the most of NikonScan. It's the devil I know.

Don't have the slightest problem with that.
It's a perfectly acceptable preference and I respect it.
What I don't respect is anyone trying to bullshit
me based on preferences rather than fact.

The only reason I am replying to you is I do
indeed respect what you say and the way you say
it, without trying to discredit.

Having said that and like I said,
I've had just about enough of these photo
and scanner newsgroups.

Cheers and adios
Well, when I went off on my trip at the beginning of the week I fully
expected to return and find a string of obscenities in your response and
I am pleased to read that Australia's entry for Usenet Kook of the
Millennium didn't disappoint. You even managed to ignore the answers to
your specific questions while trying to redefine your question, just as
expected. And you have also added some easily proven lies to add to
your discredit.
The person who asked the question, ****wit.

Which you answered long before the current discussion, both Nikon's and
Vuescan - it is not IN question!

Nobody now gives a damn what you use. Nobody is in any way attempting
to make you "make me change from using vuescan". This IS the current
Really? So, which SPECIFIC advice do you
consider I have no knowledge of, ****wit?

To begin with, the first one which Rafe responded to, in your post of
6th July where you stated "I prefer to use vuescan, the monitoring and
fine tuning can be done from a MUCH larger preview and that makes a huge
difference: the very small preview in the Nikon software is almost
useless." And subsequently refined, after Rafe pointed out your error,
with "nope. not in this last version."
And for once,
The question WAS ANSWERED, quite specifically by both Rafe and myself.
There is no restriction to a small preview window in this or ANY
PREVIOUS version of NS.

You then CHANGED YOUR QUESTION, in your reply, with "I don't mean resize
a screen, I mean set the resolution of the preview." Again, both Rafe
and I have answered your question, simply resizing the preview and
pressing the "preview" control initiates a rescan of the image at the
preview size and the screen resolution. The combination of these two,
and the crop area of the image being previewed determine the preview
resolution. They are inter-related, as you clearly know since you
Listen, ****wit: the two are completely and totally
inter-related. If you had READ ALL replies,
you'd have found out that I mentioned vuescan can
set ANY resolution for previews. Something that
sorry-arsed product of yours never did and
STILL can't do!
As previously pointed out to you, it isn't MY product, although you are
clearly incapable of reading that through your red mist.

However, now you want a SPECIFIC resolution. Am irrelevant question
since Vuescan doesn't do that either. Vuescan offers a drop down list
of available scanner resolutions which can be selected for the preview.
That warm feeling you get by selecting the "custom" option and typing in
a SPECIFIC resolution just means you have pissed yourself, because that
is INTERPOLATED from the predefined resolutions native to the scanner.
Quite simply, you can't scan at 1200ppi (YOUR figure!) with a 4000ppi
scanner without interpolating the result, since each 1200ppi output
pixel pitch is 3.333' larger than the native scanner pixel pitch.

Strange that the birdbrain of Oz didn't know that, it might have
prevented you from adding additional LIES in your reply, addressed
No it most definitely does not do that!
Resizing the preview does NOT change
the resolution to the "resolution required" setting,
you miserable ignorant twit.
Yes it does, with EXACTLY the same end result as Vuescan does, although
the method of achieving it is different. You are clearly too hard of
thinking to press the "preview" button!
It MIGHT change it to a new value ONCE
a window size THRESHOLD that is known only to
Nikon is met.

So, now you admit it DOES change resolution. Read back through the
thread and you'll find that I told you so, some time ago. And it isn't
a threshold known only to Nikon, the threshold is pretty obvious to
anyone using the application, but its selection is transparent to the
Until then, it stays at EXACTLY the same

No it doesn't. It SCANS at the same resolution, as does Vuescan, and
then interpolates DOWN if necessary to the REQUIRED PREVIEW resolution -
just as VS does! The only time it interpolates UP is if the set preview
window and the scan area result in a scan resolution which exceeds the
native resolution of the scanner - just the same as VS does.

In VS you can determine the OUTPUT resolution of the preview
specifically directly, in NS it is computed automatically based on your
screen resolution, the area of film being previewed and the size of that
preview. In both cases, unless the output is an INTEGER DIVISION of the
native resolution of the scanner, the preview image is interpolated.

The different input methodology relates to the origin of the two
applications, VS beginning as a command line application which didn't
even support a preview window until V3, while NS has operated with a
fully scalable preview window since it was first shipped with Nikon
And if you happen to have a monitor
that does not meet that threshold, you're stuck up
the proverbial with enlarged jagged low res images
which, as I said, are NEXT TO USELESS.
The only occasion where NS results in an enlarged low res preview image
is when the user is too intellectually challenged to press the "Preview"
button! Changing the image size, or the crop size, or the screen
resolution ALL change the input parameters for the preview display,
which is ALWAYS made at a native scanner resolution HIGHER than the
screen resolution for the previewed image where possible.
Compare that to a specific entry in vuescan that will
set a preview to ANY resolution the scanner supports,
REGARDLESS of the size of window you have for
that preview!

So? It is simply a DIFFERENT input method - the end result is exactly
the same!
Damn, you can even set it to the final
scan rez, if you so wish! Although only someone as
stupid as you would do that, of course.

Only someone as stupid as you would suggest that, since there are many
occasions where a preview at the full resolution is required, although
the limitations of VS in this respect may have prevented you from ever
considering it as desirable!

A heavy cropped area for example, NEEDS to be scanned at the full
resolution of the scanner to preview that area as large as desired. NS
scans ONLY the selected preview area at the full resolution, hence
reducing the time of the preview. VS would scan the entire image area
at full resolution.
You can then scroll within that window to see any
portion that doesn't fit in your screen.
Now, which product produces the goods when it comes
to resolution and size of previews?

NS does - in fact, it does exactly what you think you are getting from
Don't bother: you've shown already to be too stupid and
biased to even understand the question, let alone produce
an answer.
Au contraire, I have answered each and every question you have asked and
most variations of them you have postulated.

NS is NOT limited to a small preview window, as you claimed.
NS does NOT enlarge the old preview to obtain a new preview resolution,
as you claimed.
VS does NOT permit ANY SPECIFIC preview scan resolution to be
implemented, as you claimed.

These ARE the real facts, whether you understand them or not!
Noons said:
Having said that and like I said,
I've had just about enough of these photo
and scanner newsgroups.
The scanner newsgroup will certainly be a more civil and factually based
group without your disinformation and ignorance being propagated as
technical advice.
Cheers and adios
Somehow, I suspect that's just another of your lies.
Barry Watzman said:
Does anyone know if version 4.02 will work with an LS-2000? The Nikon
web site lists the latest LS-2000 version as 3.xx, but I'm wondering if
the later versions will work.
No, it won't - at least not directly.

Several specific latency support functions that were dropped in V4 which
ended compatibility with older scanners. The significant issue relating
to the LS-2000 is support in V4.x for the SCSI interface used by the
LS-2000, but V4.x also lacks the mapping data for the 12-bit ADC in
older scanners.

The differences between V3.x and V4.x are negligible and the new
features only accessible with the most recent scanners, and are greyed
out with earlier, still compatible, scanners. In other words, even if
you did hack a fix to get V4.x running with the LS-2000, you wouldn't
get any more features than V3.x already provides.