Windows XP Scanner and Camera Wizard messes up jpegs

Please help me.... if I press "Print Screen" - then what do I do? (What I"ve been doing is Ctrl-V and pasting the screen shot to WP) - please tell me now to do it differently - thanks, Jackie
oops, no, don't use that.

When you post a reply to here, you see a button "manage attacments" use that to 'browse' to the jpeg file you wish to upload.


  • linux.webp
    45.5 KB · Views: 76
Dear Sir - I tried the chkdsk /f and I got a message.... can't run b/c volume is being used.... etc....

Also - just wanted to let you know that my mpeg movie files have somehow changed, and Windows Media Player gives codec error -

p.s. - I'm sending you a zip of a directory of various media files... ahhhh - it's too big! will try your email
jacquster said:
Dear Sir - I tried the chkdsk /f and I got a message.... can't run b/c volume is being used.... etc....
Yes this is correct ... but it should have asked if you wished to run CHKDSK on a "reboot" of windows. :thumb:

Also - just wanted to let you know that my mpeg movie files have somehow changed, and Windows Media Player gives codec error -
Something is going very wrong with your system. :confused:

will try your email
please do ...
Oh - I wanted you to see what I meant that my yellow folders icons show 4 actual photos contained inside, and hovering shows files names... (but they don't open into any viewer...)
jacquster said:
Oh - I wanted you to see what I meant that my yellow folders icons show 4 actual photos contained inside, and hovering shows files names... (but they don't open into any viewer...)
I'm sorry Jackie, but this sound like one of those PCs I would dearly love to "see" what is going on ... frustrating for me.

Have you copied all your pictures off the PC onto a CD/DVD ... I would do so ... you may just be heading for a Clean-Install of Windows to 'cure' this.

Sorry to say that. :(
You have done all the normal Anti-Virus scans and scanned for any Spyware etc,.

ah ha ... we have light ...

OK ... just for you I installed Office. ;)

I "see" what you mean ... and I am sure it is a "file association" problem. :D

Can you email me one of them ... just right-click sendto ... my email addess. :thumb:

In "My Pictures" click Tools / folder options / veiw ... un-tick "hide extentions of know file types"

now, what is the extention (jpg, gif, doc or whatever) of the pics you cant see.
You are so kind to use "Office" for me!

:) This is the first time I laughed aloud in front of this computer - lately I've been so discouraged. :) I unhid my extensions as suggested, and I sent you one via your email.

p.s. I tried to restore back to a month ago - and then several other dates in between. System would not restore any - just kept getting a notice that it could not restore from date indicated.

Also - noticed along the restore booting process something about
"... multimedia audio controller hardward could not be found..." macagent ??? any clue here?

How kind you have been to me, I can't express my thanks enough. Talk soon - Jackie
Hi again - I wanted to answer your concern of earlier --- yes - I am up-to-date on Virus scan and Spyware stuff. We use McAfee and SpySweeper. I even did an extra virus check on specific drives and media files, no infections found throughout. Just wanted to let you know we are in fact running safety programs...... Jackie
Jackie, I got your mail.

I'm sorry to say but these pictures are indeed corupted beyond repair. :(

The only real 'fix' I can see is to clean re-install of Windows ... sorry again, not what you wanted to hear.

OK. Such is life...

I wish to thank you for all your help. Please keep in touch if you hear of anyone else with this situation. You've been more than generous with your time - Sincerely, Jackie
jacquster said:
OK. Such is life...

I wish to thank you for all your help. Please keep in touch if you hear of anyone else with this situation. You've been more than generous with your time - Sincerely, Jackie
Unfortunately there have been a few in the same boat ... if the "fix" I gave you, reg hack, does not work then ... the 'best' advice from an MS tech, was to re-install. Their answer to everything really. :(

I did get an MS error message when viewing one of the files that lead me to their (MS) reference to re-install. :rolleyes:

Sorry ... wish we could have cured the problem.

Dear Sir: I don't remember your note about this reg hack fix - please reiterate.... i.e., reg hack,

Thanks, Jackie