Don said:
It's *objective facts* that say so, not Don!
But objective facts don't say anything about the knowledge or competence of
the person at the receiving end, whereas Don does! Don rarely states just
the facts, objective or otherwise - he often accompanies them with a snipe
at the other person's knowledge or competence, e.g. "That shows that you do
not understand the most basic concept of HDR:" and "That shows, again, that
you don't really understand HDR." etc, etc. A sensitive person (like me
) recognises that such statements may well be seen as condescending,
i.e. "Listen to me - I know much more about this than you do. You're not
bright enough to grasp this" and that it is likely to ruffle feathers. So I
wouldn't use such phrases, even if I *thought* they were true, in the
interests of a civil discussion or, in the case of a face to face
encounter - self preservation!
Unless you are a recognised world authority in a subject, no-one is going to
take your word as gospel (even if you are correct). Yet your posts declare
absolute certainty - no room here for doubt - it's all objective fact. Yet
people are questionning whether what you say is, indeed, objective fact. A
that point, you have to accept a difference of opinion - others too have
read the source of your facts and come to different conclusions. To assert
that your knowledge is superior is likely to be seen, at least by some, to
be arrogant.
One thing which can *never* be objective is whether a remark *is* offensive.
Some take offence easily, others less so. So we use our experience of life
to gauge what is *likely* to give offence. If, for example, I met Ed Hamrick
in a pub and to his face and in public called him 'incompetent' - I would
expect to wake up in hospital. Usenet is perhaps a little more forgiving - I
might end up in somone's killfile - but the offence is no less real. In the
end, the choice is yours - is it more important that your views prevail over
all, to the point where you have to argue every detailed point to the death,
or are you simply trying to impart your knowledge and experience for the
benefit of all? The secret is knowing where and when to stop, and to leave
the door of self doubt at least ajar if not wide open. You seem reluctant to
concede anyone else's argument, with the occasional exception of Kennedy.
No-one (not even you
) is correct 100% of the time. If you insist that
you are, you will always be questioned. Of course, it may turn out that Don
is really Bruce Fraser and we'll all have to eat our words. However, even
Bruce Fraser's word isn't universally taken as gospel and he *is* a world
authority. No-one is exempt from the need for a little humility.
As I have said/implied before, language is a powerful tool. Choose your
words carefully. World peace depends on it!
The observations of a neutral observer - and one with all his teeth intact