J. Clarke
Your vaunted 10k Raptor IS a PATA with a converter chip:
So what? Where can I buy one that has the PATA interface exposed? That's
the point you miss.
"...Hullo! What do we have here then? Upon tilting the drive around
its transverse axis, our attention is drawn to the only chip located
on the underside of the board. This is a Serial ATA Bridge from
Marvel, which is currently used in many places in order to make
products compatible with the UltraATA interface for Serial ATA.
We thus know one thing for sure, namely that the WD360 is not a new
Serial ATA development, but a product that was originally developed on
the basis of an UltraATA interface. And that also means that WD could
follow up with a WD360 and UltraATA/100 interface at any time...."
Ah..., that was, Western Digital could release a pata version anytime
they wanted if I read correctly. But you have to buy one with an
extra layer of conversions added on.
Guess which one would be faster ?
Why don't you give us the numbers on both, since you seem to think that you
have them.
PS does yours still have the jumpers too ?
Yes... that's why it's called heresy
Actually it's called idiocy.