Omega has posted a long explanation why no new sets have been released
by him in two months. Looks like he's calling it quits, and I for one
am deeply saddened to lose his famous drivers.
Ps. Make sure you click on his banner ads too!
This is posted to omega's site today:
Well, I don't know what to say this, I really have no words to
describe what has happened during the last week...
I'm still crying of happiness, the support has been overwhelming, so
much, that I can't possibly answer all the 1000+ emails I have
received, in fact, I'm still reading each and every one of them to
make sure I don't miss anyone, so don't worry if you don't get a reply
mail, just be assured I did read it and I'm really grateful for your
spiritual and economic support.
I haven't posted in forums or updated my front page since last update
because I was looking for the right words to express how happy me and
my wife are right now and I know a simple thank you is not enough to
cover all of this, but is all I can give right now, along with a few
tears you will not be able to see, but I think your hearts will feel.
With this I close my update and rest assured the Omega Drivers will
not die since now I see how much I'm needed and I don't want to
disappoint each and everyone that mailed me with their kind words of
Thanks to everyone and God bless :_)
P. S.
Next release will come in the form of 2 ATI driver sets and 1 Nvidia
set, I hope that is enough to cover everyone
Omega's forever!!
ps.. he got tons of $$ from donations after people freaked out over
him not continuing..