[email protected] said:From: "Leythos" <[email protected]>
| That's great for them and you - not being snide here, but, as I said
| before, never seen a false positive on more than 1500 systems, and we'll
| continue to use it scanning all files on access.
{ just to stir the pot a bit... }
Since I monitor many virus News Groups, including Symantec's, I have come across *many*
False Positive declarations from many AV vendors.
I recently (10/6) dealt with one situation by Symantec in reference to; iun6002.exe which
was falsely declared as a Trojan.Dropper.
Then there was the case of Symantec falsely declaring Backdoor.Graybird (9/16) in was a temp
file created by Spy Sweeper.
I'm still wondering when Avast will stop falsely declaring the VBS/RedLof in Trend Micro's
sysclean utility.
Which does not change the fact that I've not had the experience of false
positives - I've never said they don't happen, but I do find that having
"scan on accessed" tends to find things other than the obvious.