Running Outlook Express With Task Sheduler



Douglas said:
I have the isp and password entered correctly, the modem intiates but

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Hi Jon,
I have the isp and password entered correctly, the modem intiates but does not dial, then the system goes into standby mode. Do you think that instead of the scrip just running the OE program itself, that maybe in the script is just executing OE then going to the next step in the script which is to check for a coonection then go into standby mode? it would seem to me that the script is running through but without the full execution of the OE program, after all the TS is telling the script that is only asking to run OE and maybe it thinks that that is all it has to do before going to the next step in the script, maybe the the script should be written to in include each desired function of OE before continuing to the next step? Sometimes two brains are better than one, especially with complex situations like this, you would've thought by now with this XP Edition that MS would have put enough thought into writing the program to have OE options to run from standby with it's own scheduler, I don't see why they even bothered to have a task scheduler, most things that you would want to schedule require more than just the ..exe file to perform given funtions, i.e. Disk Cleanup, once this program is executed it requires further questions on the part of the user such as what files to cleanup and addtional options, how would this be possible just by having the TS run the Disk Cleanup. Am I wrong or were computers only manufactuered and retail shelved for computer language literate people? OK, well that is my observation on the matter. HAVE A GOOD 4TH WEEKEND!
Newport, RI
I have the isp and password entered correctly, the modem intiates but does not dial, then the system goes into standby mode. Do you think that instead of the scrip just running the OE program itself, that maybe in the script is just executing OE then going to the next step in the script which is to check for a coonection then go into standby mode? it would seem to me that the script is running through but without the full execution of the OE program, after all the TS is telling the script that is only asking to run OE and maybe it thinks that that is all it has to do before going to the next step in the script, maybe the the script should be written to in include each desired function of OE before continuing to the next step? Sometimes two brains are better than one, especially with complex situations like this, you would've thought by now with this XP Edition that MS would have put enough thought into writing the program to have OE options to run from standby with it's own scheduler, I don't see why they even bothered to have a task scheduler, most things that you would want to schedule require more than just the ..exe file to perform given funtions, i.e. Disk Cleanup, once this program is executed it requires further questions on the part of the user such as what files to cleanup and addtional options, how would this be possible just by having the TS run the Disk Cleanup. Am I wrong or were computers only manufactuered and retail shelved for computer language literate people? OK, well that is my observation on the matter. HAVE A GOOD 4TH WEEKEND!
Newport, RI
Ok the fact that your modem starts to dial suggests that you have entered the name of the connection correctly. However, what you should be entering for the username and password is the username and password that you got given when you signed up for internet access (with usadatanet or whoever provides you with internet access).

You can test the information and look at the error messages that your dialup produces by perhaps taking a step back and trying the following..

start > run > cmd

rasdial "exact name of your connection in quotes" username password

(replace "exact name of your connection in quotes" and username and password in the above line with what you entered in the script. The username and password in the above line are not in quotes, unlike the name of the connection)

If the information is entered correctly that should connect you to the internet. If not look at the error messages produced.

Once you've managed to get that command to work correctly, then return to your script and enter the correct information as outlined previously.

Hope this helps


Hello Jon

After monitoring the response of my TS running OE with the Script you have written for the group, I been noticing that, with close observation, that it is not running properly, what seems to happen is that it wakes my pc from standby mode, then runs the TS with the script but just as it attemps to connect to the internet it stops, I have detected this by watching it and with my external modem I can see it's activity and what is happening is, it attempts to dial then stops and my pc returns to standby mode. I have fiddled withnumerous combinations of TS settings for this task, before resorting to having to trouble with further solution, and nothing seems to give my guess would be that the script is doing what either the TS script or OE is already configured to do, but I know nothing about the way the script was written except for where you had asked me to place my IP address and password, whch I have succeeded. Would you at your next conveneice, have another look at the scrip? it would be greatly appreciated, and dreaded to think after coming this far with it that it turns out to be useless. Thanks for all you time, patience and continued support! Sincerely, Douglas Pounder Newport, RI

Word wrap got in the way with that pasting so have attached file

Right-click it and choose edit to view



Ok it sounds like the way your ISP has set up your internet connection is causing problems.
So my final suggestion in this thread (before advising you to stick with what you had originally as better than nothing) is that if you happen to know the following information

(1)The telephone number your internet connection dials usually when dialling up
(2) Your ISP user name
(3) Your ISP password

then you could try setting up a new Internet connection via

In the left pane in Network Connections click "Create a new connection"
Click Next > "Connect to Internet" > "Set up connection manually" > "Connect using a dialup modem" > (Enter any name you like) > ... (Enter info for phone number / username / password)...

Then configure Outlook Express , the Script etc to use that newly created connection

Other than that without knowing the precise nature of your dialup software it's difficult to advise.


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