RTF editor?

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jan said:
Being that I don't speak Italian, German, Russian, Hebrew, and most
other languages, I was unable to determine which were freeware.

hmmmmm. . . a *list* is needed. :)
I'll do the first translation. ;)

English: Freeware

_Susan Bugher_, domenica 28/nov/2004:
hmmmmm. . . a *list* is needed. :)
I'll do the first translation. ;)

English: Freeware
Italian: freeware or gratuito
Susan Bugher scribebat:
hmmmmm. . . a *list* is needed. :)
I'll do the first translation. ;)

English: Freeware

In German, "freeware" is used as well, yet, this word is not always
mentioned when a software is indeed available without cost plus the problem
that freeware is used as lax in German as in English - you cannot be sure
whether (and in which instances) a software is indeed available gratis.

"Kostenlos" (free of charge) is a word one should look out for, yet be
careful if there is a "nicht" (not) nearby. Generally, I would advise you
to ask someone who actually speaks the language whether a program is free
instead of relying on a buzzword.
Susan Bugher a formulé ce dimanche :
English: Freeware

Nobody asked, but in French : graticiel, logiciel libre or... freeware

Hervé LOTH
Le said:
Susan Bugher a formulé ce dimanche :

Nobody asked, but in French : graticiel, logiciel libre or... freeware

Hervé LOTH

Thank you. :) (All languages, please.)

Susan Bugher is, and always will be:
hmmmmm. . . a *list* is needed. :)
I'll do the first translation. ;)

English: Freeware

Portuguese and Spanish (AFAIK, my spanish isn't very good): gratuito or

Chaos Master®, posting from somewhere near Porto Alegre, Brazil.
"... one either has a shit, or not. Do you have yours?"
http://marreka.blogspot.com --> news, hotter than high-power transistors!

To reply remove "DEADTOTHESPAMMER" from address.
For Spanish, use gratis or sin costo, but watch out for phrases like
limitado 30 diaz. For while the descargas may be gratis, the programa
may not.

There is also this application too:


jan said:
Yes, I've looked at both CopyWriter and QJot. I think you've got a good
start with QJot.

On taking another look at CopyWriter, I see that it has a status bar
with character and word count.

Rough Draft is an interesting program for writers. I was concerned the
writer had lost interest in the project, but he has a new website. Maybe
he'll have a new version soon.

Hi, there are always these alternatives for lightweight rtf editors:

CopyWriter: http://home.planet.nl/~gaale131/cw_home.htm

RoughDraft: http://www.rsalsbury.co.uk/rd.htm

and there is always my own wordpad replacement, QJot: QJot:
http://www.xtort.net/xtort/images/qjot.gif it has limited unicode
support and suports images/OLE objects, as has unlimited undo/redo:

best, xtort [http://xtort.net]


Thanks for the links. Your newspaper program is extensive. As you
can well imagine, such complex programs are rarely distributed as

I've downloaded the freeware program, Emogic. Will put it through
my checklist and add it to the link list.


Patrick Peccatte wrote:

Thanx Jan, It is possible to write an editor wich such features.
I have done it, see www.kalinews.com Note: It is a commercial non
downloadable product. Chars counts are always visible in margin
and for all text elements (header, title, text, etc.). It uses
RTF internally but document format is XML. Such word processor
cannot deals with long document but only with newspapers stories
wich are not very long...

I was interesting to know other word processors (freeware or
shareware) using more or less the same concept. I have found
Emojic http://www.emogic.com/software/freeware/emojic/index.html
it is very simple but chars count is not always refreshed (you
need to refresh counting using Ctrl+W) and space chars are not
included in counting, which is a great problem for copyfit
MLC said:
found a free rtf editor, which among other things can insert tables and OLE
Download link:
(5.47 MB, latest update 1 Sept 2004)

BUT: it seems to be Italian only. However I'm mentioning it because maybe
someone can understand a bit of Italian :-)

Tables in a freeware RTF editor would make for a distinctive feature.

Another distinctive item. I caught a glimpse that in its html export, it
seems to use its own processing libraries in doing that, not one of the
usual msft/winword processors.

Maria, have your run this? My main question. it concerns whether it saves
preferences anywhere? It is not doing so for me. No registry key in HKCU,
and no local files generated anywhere. I thought over the possibility that
my installation of it was such that I moved all of its libraries out of the
sysdir and into a local directory with its exe; but that doesn't explain to
me that it would not be able to generate a settings file or key. I also
cannot find an options or preferences dialog, anywhere in its menus. It lets
you customize things. Such as removing ruler, changing views, dragging icons
to create custom toolbars, etc. Yet it does not retain these settings, at
least for me, upon close and re-open.

Is this just my local story, or has the program perhaps not yet developed a
feature to retain persistent settings?
BUT: it seems to be Italian only. However I'm mentioning it because maybe
someone can understand a bit of Italian :-)

I found just about all of the menu items to be decipherable. They're in
standard places, most with universal little icons. Of further help, there
is the way that so many of the words of written Italian have resemblance
to correspondent words in other languages (eg English, French) that have
common ancestors.
_omega_, martedì 30/nov/2004:
Maria, have your run this? My main question. it concerns whether it saves
preferences anywhere?

I haven't still tried it, but I wanted to do it, so now I'm going to
download and install, then I'll let you know about the persistence of the
preferences and where these settings are written (if they are written).

_MLC_, martedì 30/nov/2004:
_omega_, martedì 30/nov/2004:

I haven't still tried it, but I wanted to do it, so now I'm going to
download and install, then I'll let you know about the persistence of the
preferences and where these settings are written (if they are written).

You're right, Karen: it doesn't keep the toolbar settings. Even when you
create a new toolbar, on a new running it's gone.
It's a pity because it seems well featured for a free rtf editor, and the
option to save the settings is a little work for a programmer.

I'm going to write to them...

Done. Let's hope they answer!
If you want to write to them you too (in English of course), the address is
sts _at_ stsweb _dot_ it

Two is better than one (as a funny ad says here in Italy) :-))
MLC said:
You're right, Karen: it doesn't keep the toolbar settings. Even when you
create a new toolbar, on a new running it's gone.

Thank you, Maria, for spending time to settle that question.
It's a pity because it seems well featured for a free rtf editor, and the
option to save the settings is a little work for a programmer.

Yes, it's kind of surprising. Since even most simple programs have a save
preferences functionality built in. And here is a complicated program, one
aiming for a lot, one that has even achieved that rare item of rtf tables.
I'm going to write to them...

Done. Let's hope they answer!
If you want to write to them you too (in English of course), the address is
sts _at_ stsweb _dot_ it

Two is better than one (as a funny ad says here in Italy) :-))

Good point. I'm not too good about email, but I'll try to get this one on
my todo. The program seems to be right in the middle of development, and
I'd be interested to try to talk the author into prioritizing a save prefs