RTF editor?

  • Thread starter Thread starter wald
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Hi people,

Does anyone know of a decent freeware (or even open source) RTF
editor? Extra requirements: should be as light as possible on system

I know WordPad fits the bill (no pun intended), but I'm always
looking for alternatives...

wald avait soumis l'idée :
Hi people,
Does anyone know of a decent freeware (or even open source) RTF
editor? Extra requirements: should be as light as possible on system
I know WordPad fits the bill (no pun intended), but I'm always
looking for alternatives...

Atlantis Nova
I use it every day !

Hervé LOTH
wald said:
Does anyone know of a decent freeware (or even open source) RTF
editor? Extra requirements: should be as light as possible on system

For very light and small. Trading off for feature set being minimal,
and that it handles only very basic richtext, with no pics. One exe
file, at a remarkably compact 104k...

kPad, by Konstantin Boukreev
http://www.redshift.com/~omega/2004/editors/kPad.zip (50k)

Tabbed document interface
Saves persistent display preferences, ie font & background color
Internal & external drag-drop abilities
Hyperlink aware
Wow, nice indeed, and at least the toolbars are customizable (<->
Atlantis Nova, see other post). But it's more RAM-hungry than

Argh. Dilemma.

I switched from Nova to Cryptedit for the toolbar-issue.
Oh, and I should have mentioned that there's a replacement for the
Cryptedit.exe on this page:


Download the patch, unzip and replace Cryptedit.exe with the one included
in the zip. Loads documents faster, don't no if it uses less RAM in
general. I only have 128 Mb of RAM, and Cryptedit runs smoothly here.
Rod said:
in the zip. Loads documents faster, don't no if it uses less RAM in
general. I only have 128 Mb of RAM, and Cryptedit runs smoothly here.
I have only 96 MB RAM and it runs fine while other things are running.

Even Thunderbird, I've seen it described as a resource hog, yet ver. 09 works fine
on my puter, even with Firebird running at the same time.

Mike Sa
omega said:
For very light and small. Trading off for feature set being minimal,
and that it handles only very basic richtext, with no pics. One exe
file, at a remarkably compact 104k...

kPad, by Konstantin Boukreev
http://www.redshift.com/~omega/2004/editors/kPad.zip (50k)

Tabbed document interface
Saves persistent display preferences, ie font & background color
Internal & external drag-drop abilities
Hyperlink aware
Thanks, Karen. For my occasional RTF uses, this is even handier than CryptEdit.
BTW, I converted CryptEdit to an executable, and it works fine.

Mike Sa
Rod said:
I switched from Nova to Cryptedit for the toolbar-issue.
Oh, and I should have mentioned that there's a replacement for
the Cryptedit.exe on this page:

Thanks, didn't find that one yet.
Loads documents faster, don't no if it uses
less RAM in general.

I was a bit fast with the RAM conclusion... it's not really
heavier or anything. Sorry for the confusion :-)

wald said:
Hi people,

Does anyone know of a decent freeware (or even open source) RTF
editor? Extra requirements: should be as light as possible on system

I know WordPad fits the bill (no pun intended), but I'm always
looking for alternatives...


You've asked about my hobby!

I use Jarte for most things. It has a good spell checker and support for
headers and footers through the print function.


Other free RTF editors that I've reviewed and can be googled.

# Adept Write
# Atlantis Nova (great, best use of resources, but no spell checker or
header/footer support)
# CWordPad (includes spell checker)
# Copy Writer
# CryptEdit (the top choice in ACF, has spell checker and will open Word
Perfect files)
# Delphad
# QJot
# Rough Draft (not really for general use)
# Stenopad
# Tagana (for Trekies)
# txtEdit
# Word Tabs (includes a spell checker, support for headers and footers,
the only other RTF editor I actually use)

You can check out my somewhat helpful and sporadically updated review at:

Positive criticism usually appreciated.

This is a great and useful page, Jan
As you know very well the word processor/text editor field, do you know a
program for writing newspapers stories , i.e a program in wich page is
divided in independant zones like 'header', 'subheader', 'title', 'text',
etc. ? We need also characters counters always visible for copyfit (the
counters must be permanently visible; a menu 'statistics' is not what I am
looking for).
Due to the inherent limitations of RTF, you are not going to find a
freeware RTF editor with such features.

For complex views, you would have to move up to a mid-range word
processor or a heavy-duty office suite. AbiWord is the only "true
freeware" word processor in the mid-range class. It is very flexible,
but the Windows version crashes at the most inconvenient times. The
Linux version is more stable.

In OpenOffice.org (the freeware version of Star Office), you can
customize templates and macros to do some of what you want. As the
character count is located under the file-properties-statistics menu, it
probably cannot be integrated into a visible portion of the editing
window. I've collected several templates, that are complex (google
"openoffice templates"). One template, Newsletter, is an excellent
example of how OpenOffice may be used for publishing.

Off the top of my head, I cannot think of any freeware word/character
count utilities that integrate with OpenOffice.

Hope this helps,

Thanx Jan,
It is possible to write an editor wich such features. I have done it, see
Note: It is a commercial non downloadable product. Chars counts are always
visible in margin and for all text elements (header, title, text, etc.). It
uses RTF internally but document format is XML.
Such word processor cannot deals with long document but only with newspapers
stories wich are not very long...

I was interesting to know other word processors (freeware or shareware)
using more or less the same concept.
I have found Emojic
it is very simple but chars count is not always refreshed (you need to
refresh counting using Ctrl+W) and space chars are not included in counting,
which is a great problem for copyfit purpose.

Thanks for the links. Your newspaper program is extensive. As you can
well imagine, such complex programs are rarely distributed as freeware.

I've downloaded the freeware program, Emogic. Will put it through my
checklist and add it to the link list.

Yes, I've looked at both CopyWriter and QJot. I think you've got a good
start with QJot.

On taking another look at CopyWriter, I see that it has a status bar
with character and word count.

Rough Draft is an interesting program for writers. I was concerned the
writer had lost interest in the project, but he has a new website. Maybe
he'll have a new version soon.

Hi, there are always these alternatives for lightweight rtf editors:

CopyWriter: http://home.planet.nl/~gaale131/cw_home.htm

RoughDraft: http://www.rsalsbury.co.uk/rd.htm

and there is always my own wordpad replacement, QJot: QJot:
http://www.xtort.net/xtort/images/qjot.gif it has limited unicode
support and suports images/OLE objects, as has unlimited undo/redo:

best, xtort [http://xtort.net]


Thanks for the links. Your newspaper program is extensive. As you
can well imagine, such complex programs are rarely distributed as

I've downloaded the freeware program, Emogic. Will put it through
my checklist and add it to the link list.

jan said:
On taking another look at CopyWriter, I see that it has a status bar
with character and word count.

Quick mention of a couple of standalone utils that provide some words
statistics features.

| Wurdz is a stand-alone text analysis tool that examines a written
| document and displays statistics about the document.
| http://adwt.com/screen_shot.htm

Doc Stats 3.4
| Scan html/text/rtf files for doc stats, readability, and word
| frequency. Determine the exact number of words, sentences, syllables,
| etc. in a given document.
| (404 on old homepage..)
| http://www.redshift.com/~omega/2004/editors/docstats.zip (270k)

Separate function, but toss it in:

| TextAnalyzer allows to define keywords and phrases for document and
| to create abstract description for it. TextAnalyzer supports such
| extended formats as txt, html, rtf and doc.
| http://www.searchgun.com/freetool.asp
_omega_, domenica 28/nov/2004:


I'm coming here late and attach myself to Karen's tail ;-) to say that I've
found a free rtf editor, which among other things can insert tables and OLE
Download link:
(5.47 MB, latest update 1 Sept 2004)

BUT: it seems to be Italian only. However I'm mentioning it because maybe
someone can understand a bit of Italian :-)

Additional note not in topic with this thread:
On the same site there is also a free CAD 2D/3D (still Italian only I
Download link:
(4.86 MB, latest update 1 Sept 2004)
Thanks for the links.

I had a short list of non-English RTF editors, but lost track when my
son and his computer moved out.

Being that I don't speak Italian, German, Russian, Hebrew, and most
other languages, I was unable to determine which were freeware.

Now, if an editor were to be in Spanish...
