This whole thing started, incidentally, because a 78 year old actor didn't turn up to be interviewed on their show.
They acted like two spoiled brats, trying desperately to prove how funny, how hard, and how great they were, and only suceeded in making fools of themselves. Jonathan Ross should really acknowledge he won't see age 45 again and trying to be a 'lad' really doesn't suit him.
As I said earlier I'm disappointed with Ross cos when I used to watch telly I quite admired him. Oh well.
I know very little about South Africa. My own simplified view is for years the dutch/english/whites subdued the blacks.
Then this Nelson Mandela character, who I'd never heard of previously, was set free after 25 years in nick and shortly thereafter SA had a new Goverment and a new way of life.
As I said, I know little of Nelson mandela but as a liberal whitey admired this guy who still had spirit after 25 years of being locked up and was an inspiration to the 'liberation of the black endemic population of South Africa'.
That's how I see/saw it, anyway, but I'm uneducated in SA affairs.
In Greenwich Town Market centre there's a pub called the Coach & Horses, I still go there regularly. In the eighties I drank there regularly and done many Discos there, five Christmnas Eves on the trot.
A lady, we shall call her Emma, ran the pub at that time. After her tenure there, she decided to spend her savings and set up home in SA. She had divorced her husband a year earlier and left for Cape town with her then young daughter.
They settled on the outskirts of Johannesburg, she ran a pub in the town centre. After the substantial deposit she laid down on her home from her savings, her mortgage payments were low, work was steady, the weather was fine and life was good.
While she was there, the changes happened.
About five years ago she and her daughter, now in her early twenties, were woken in the early hours of the morning by a gang of four black men weilding machettes standing over their bed. They told her they were trespassers in their land and they were the country's true countrymen and had come to take what was truly theirs.
They tied them and gagged them and ransacked the house, loading lots of valuables into a van which was driven away. The two men left then took the daughter and rolled her up in a carpet and took her downstairs to the outside of another van.
They told Emma they were going to take her away, repeatedly gang rape her then kill her. They were leaving Emma alive 'to spread the message that whites aren't welcome here'.
They put the rolled up carpet in the back of the van but the van wouldn't start. So they walked off on foot, leaving the carpet behind.
Within a week Emma and her daughter were back in Greenwich, wishing they'd never left.
Not sure how they're getting on now, haven't seen them for awhile, but I guess at least they're both still alive.
And that's my South African story.
Truth be told, I'm disppointed with it, cos I'm one of those who like to see a noble underdog re-establish themselves. I am not racist, hopefully regulars here will acknowledge that, I sincerely like human beings.
But that story, as far as I know, is the truth. You may sometimes rescue people from opression but then they may very well turn around and bite you. Kinda like a rabid dog.
I'm just telling as I know, I do not wish for people to point and make negative comments but sadly that's the way things are sometimes.
And now I'm wondering how we went from Jonathan Ross and some uppity young comedian to South Africa