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  • Thread starter George W. Barrowcliff
  • Start date


Tiberius wrote:

--------stupid incoherent bs deleted---

My Gawd! Are you that lonely? You have no friends at all? Is this the
only place where you can get any attention at all...even at the cost of
making an absolute as* and a complete fool out of yourself?
Hey minkie brain (that a compliment, btw) we all know you hate
Vista...we got we don't're obviously way too stupid
to run just craw back into that cardboard space ship in your
moms basement and blast off!
Oh, and please don't come back this time, ok.

Adam Albright

Tiberius wrote:

--------stupid incoherent bs deleted---

My Gawd! Are you that lonely? You have no friends at all? Is this the
only place where you can get any attention at all...even at the cost of
making an absolute as* and a complete fool out of yourself?
Hey minkie brain (that a compliment, btw) we all know you hate
Vista...we got we don't're obviously way too stupid
to run just craw back into that cardboard space ship in your
moms basement and blast off!
Oh, and please don't come back this time, ok.

Speaking of incoherent babbling, that's all you ever do Frankie
numbnuts as the above confirms.

Terry R.

On 10/2/2007 1:43 PM On a whim, Frank pounded out on the keyboard
Tiberius wrote:

--------stupid incoherent bs deleted---

My Gawd! Are you that lonely? You have no friends at all? Is this the
only place where you can get any attention at all...even at the cost of
making an absolute as* and a complete fool out of yourself?
Hey minkie brain (that a compliment, btw) we all know you hate
Vista...we got we don't're obviously way too stupid
to run just craw back into that cardboard space ship in your
moms basement and blast off!
Oh, and please don't come back this time, ok.

ha ha ha. That's a good one Frank. Do you ever take your own advice?
If anyone reads what you post here, they would probably ask the same of
you (except the hating Vista part of course).

How reflective!

Terry R.

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